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Oh no, this is bad. I can't believe I told him that my mother got raped. Now he knows, what am I supposed to do? Tell him everything.

No!!! Then he will tell the cops and then my life will be worse.

'Well you have nothing to live for.' One of the voices said in my head.

"Oh please no, leave go, I don't need your input right now." I said crouching down putting my hands over my ears.

'Let's play a game.'

"No!" I said shutting my eyes.

'We are going to play Simon says.'

"Oh God no."

'Simon says, walk to your bathroom.'


'No? Don't you remember what happened last time you defined us. Do you want us to take over you? Or will you just listen?'

"Please leave me."

'That's it!!' They growled.

I felt myself lose control over my own body.

"No!!" I screamed.


I woke up in my mother's bathtub filled with my own blood. I got up, not bothered to wash it out and looked in the mirror. I see a broken girl, that's never going to make it in this world. I punched the mirror and watch the glass crack.


I punched the mirror again and watch the whole mirror break into tiny pieces.


I walked out of my mother's room and locked the door. Oh god how I hate my life. I've been hurting ever since I was just a little girl, what did I do to deserve this? I know my mother wouldn't have done anything, because she was loved by everyone. My father? No. My mother said he served in the army and he died by saving his best friend from an explosion. So what could it be?

I felt a migraine coming, so I decided to take a long hot bath. After the bath, I decided it would be best to read my first ever diary. I have a total of 3 diary's, one was through the age six and thirteen ,the second one was through the age fourteen and eighteen, and the last one I write in now I got at the age of nineteen. I sat on my bed with my first ever diary in my hand. It's a little bit dusty, but nothing major. I laid on my bed just thinking about my life. Will I have a child? Will I get married? Am I going to be happy?

The kept on saying the questions over and over in my head, waiting to see if I will have an answer, but I didn't. I don't know if I will get married to the love of my life, get a baby boy or girl, or even be happy. Is that too much to ask? I just want to be happy. I'm not asking for money and jewelry. I'm asking for happiness.

I stared at the diary cover and decided not to read it. Maybe when I'm grey and old I'll read it.

I got up from my bed feeling nauseous. I went to the toilet and threw up. Am I getting sick or something? I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth and went to sleep.


I woke up the next morning feeling nauseous again. I threw up over and over, I couldn't eat anything. I decided to get ready and head towards the hospital. I'm now in the waiting room waiting for the doctor.

"Come in Ms. Night." The male doctor said.

I got up from my comfy black chair and followed the doctor to the room.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Well, this morning I threw up, and after I drinked some water and ate something light, it still came back up." I said.

"Mm." He said writing on his clipboard. "Have you been involved sexual activities ma'am?"

"Yes." I said lowering my head.

"Well let's get you tested."

He took some of my blood and urine and left. I waited and waited until he finally came back.

"Well?" I said.

"Congratulations, you're pregnant."

No, no, no.

I'll just get rid of the baby.

"Get rid of the baby." I said.

"Ma'am are y-"

I stepped in front of him and looked into his light brown eyes and said ""

"Miss, please think about this, maybe I can sugg--"

"I won't say it again. "I said as I grabbed him by his coat.

"Maybe you should, give birth to the baby and see if you would want to keep it."

"I don't want the baby. Get rid of it! Now!" I yelled grabbing on to his shoulders.

"Miss, your hurting me. Maybe just think about this, okay?"

"My decision is final. GET RID OF THE BABY, GET RID OF THE BABY." I yelled as I shook him.

"Doctors" He yelled.

Just then 5 male doctors came running in and grabbed me.

I tried to free myself against them, but it was no use. I felt something get injected in me, as I said "get rid of it, please get rid of it."

Then all I saw was darkness.


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