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"Autumn,we need to talk."

I poured myself a cup of coffee and said "Is their something wrong, Elijah?"


I added some spoonfuls of sugar and turned around to see him sitting on the counter looking worried.

"What wrong?"

He got up and stirred the cup of coffee in my hand and took a taste.

"Too sweet?" I questioned.

"Just right, love."

"Elijah what's wrong? Are you sure you're not ill?"

He breathed out and looked down. "Why were you screaming my name last night?"

"What are you talking about?"

He lifted up his head and said "You were screaming my name Autumn, don.t you remember?"

"All i remember is falling asleep in your arms." i sighed out.




Last night


"The clock is ticking Autumn." A masculine voice said.

I pull on my arms and hear metal clanking.

My arms are tied up and I can't see anything.

"Sweet, sweet, Autumn, how are you still alive you ask."

Breath Autumn, Breath.

"Wow, good job on trying to calm yourself down."

I licked my lips and cleared my throat, "Why am I here?"

"Well you wanted answers for a lot of things ever since your mother died, I thought I would help you out."

I lifted my head to see a tiny light shiny down at me.

"Where am I?"I asked.

"Underground, but let's not worry about that, i'm here to give you answers to your questions, think of me as your guardian angel."

"How come I ne-."

"Never died?"


"Well it's simple."

I start to hear footsteps getting closer.

"You are my creation."

"What are you talking about?"

"Autumn," He chuckled." You have so many things to learn, but I am giving you a choice, after you do the task I gave you, I will give you a reward."

"What kind of reward?"

"Something you wanted ever since your mother died of course," He paused. "your death."

"And what if I don't want to die?"

"Then that will come with a consequence."

"You can't keep on doing this to me."

I heard the man take some steps forward and stopped all of a sudden.

" I'm going to ignore that act of "Bravery" and let it go."

"You're a sick murderer." I murmured.

"I'll take that as a compliment, Autumn."

"Autumn?" I hear Elijah's voice whisper.

I pulled at the chains and looked around " Elijah?"


"Aw no, your time is up, see you next time." The man said.

"No! I heard Elijah! What have you done to him?"

"Autumn?" Elijah voice said louder.



End of Nightmare

I hear Elijah snapping his fingers in my ear.

"Autumn, are you okay?"

I shook my head and blinked my eyes multiple time before answering 'yes'.

"Just forget I said anything."


"We'll talk about this later Autumn."

I licked my lips and took a deep sigh. "Okay."

"Hey guys."Isabella yelled running towards the fridge.

"Well someone's happy." Elijah commented.

"Im guessing this has to do with a boy?" He continued on.

"I have no boy in my life."

I put my empty mug down and added "Except Elijah."

"Except Eli--,"She paused."Wait no, Elijah is not the boy in my life!" She continued on flustered.

"Why are you always teasing her?"Elijah laughed heartly.

"Its funny, you can hear how flustered she sounds." I teased.

She groaned loudly and turned around facing me with a grimace. "Elijah is not my type, and he's illegal."

"Now-a-days age is just a number."He winked at her.

"Oo-la-la, look at you too getting comfortable."

Isabella stomped her foot and headed towards the living room. Three loud knocks came from the front door.

"I got it." Isabella screeched.

We both walked towards the front door to see a male and a female.The man had a white crisp suit and red tie, a plump well-round face with dark brown eyes with black hair, I averted my eyes to the lady, and i'm not the one to judge but i can tell she's really strict, bright, short red wavy hair and dull green eyes. One question that's floating on my mind right now is, who are these people?

"Hello, beloved daughter." The man said.

"Daughter?" Elijah questioned.

Isabella cleared her throat and murmurs "Autumn, Elijah, say hello to my parents."

I stepped aside and said "Come in."

They entered the house with a frown and looked around.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Let's talk in the living room." We all sat down in awkward silence.

"I want to know why you kidnapped our daughter, you're lucky we didn't call the police and we tracked her telephone instead so start talking." Isabella's father stated in a gruff voice.

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