Twenty One|| Mental Breakdown

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"Autumn, wake up!" A gruff voice said.

I groaned and ignored the man.

"Autumn!" The voice yelled again.

I slowly opened my eyes and croaked out. "Yes?"

"Autumn, you're alive." Isabela said.

Wait Isabela?

I quickly sat up and called out. "Isabela?"

"Yes! Autumn it's me." She said.

"Where are you? Why are you here?"

"Issac kidnaped us."


"Autumn are you okay?"

"Elijah! Oh how I miss you, I wish I could see you." I said tearing up.

"Hey don't cry." He soothing said.

I felt the tears coming in. "I mi-miss you so much." I croaked out.

"It's going to be okay."

I hear the door open and loud stomps.

"Look here, a family reunion so sweet."

"Why did you take them?"

"For a little fun of course, now let's begin." He clapped twice and the room instantly lit up.

I look to my left to see Elijah and Isabela chained to the wall.

"Let them go!"


"I still have one more wish..."

"Oh I forgotten to tell you, your wishes had a dead line, and that was yesterday night."

"What?" I whispered to myself.

"That's not fair Issac."

He chuckled at me. "You should know I never play by the rules, but enough chit chatting let's start the fun."

He pulled out a tiny bottle from his back pocket.

"What is that?" I asked.

He walked until he was looking down at me and handed me the bottle.

"Drink." He demanded.

"What is this?"

"Drink it or Elijah and Isabela dies, and you'll never see your children again."

"WHERE'S MY DAUGHTE?" Elijah yelled.

Issac faced him and said. "Speak another word or you won't have a daughter."

He looked back at me and glared. I examined the bottle and opened the little cap. I put the bottle towards my mouth and stopped.

He ticked with his teeth and said. "We don't have all day now."

I quickly drank from the bottle and it left a bitter but sweet taste dancing on my tongue.

"Is that all?"

"You're so pathetic Autumn, you can't even avenge your mother death." I hear Elijah say.

I looked at him in shock.

"No- no Autumn I didn't mean to say that, I- I don't believe that.. You deserve to live."

I felt the tears coming in. Why would he say that? Elijah?

"You disgust me, you ruined my life, you can't even take care of your god damn self."

"Please stop... please Elijah I beg of you."

"Autumn, no I didn't mean that, I don't know what's going o—"

"Look even your lover thinks you're weak." Issac laughed.

"No, no, that's not my Elijah, you've done something to him."

"Maybe I did, but your still pathetic, a waste of space, you're nothing, no one cares about you Autumn."

"What did I ever do to you Issac! Please tell me! I never killed anyone you loved, I never ruined your life ever!! I've done nothing!! I don't deserve any of the fucking bullshit you've done to me!! You ruined my life!! I hate you! I fucking hate you! I thought you had something good in your, but no, you're a pathetic excuse for whatever you are. I hope you rot in hell. Do not say I'm the weak one, I've dealt with your bullshit for 24 years now! How in the hell am I supposed to fucking report you when all you do is come back and threatened me with the people that makes me happy? Will I ever be fucking happy? Or am I to fucking weak to be happy? Issac you BROKE me. Are you fucking happy? You broke me ever since you came into my life, your ruined all that I had left in my family. You broke me. I thought I found happiness but I never did, you always, always fucking ruined it! You did it, congratulations, you finally broke the broken girl. I thought being in foster care was worse, I thought being a teenager learning things by herself was hard, but no, you're the obstacle in my life that I can never get rid of. Have you ever had happiness someone to love? Did someone tak--."

He slapped me.

"I think that's enough Autumn Night.

I hear Isabela sniffling.

"I think it's time for you to say goodbye."

"What are yo---?" I felt an object in my stomach.


I looked down to see a knife plunged into me. I slowly looked at Issac and saw his devilish smile.

I slowly laid down trying to breath but I couldn't.

This is the end.

For my name was Autumn Night, the broken girl.

Goodbye Friend.


Authors Note

This is the last chapter of Broken by me (GoofyMonkkey).

It was a hard chapter to write, but I knew this was my plan for the ending ever since I started writing this story.

I hoped you guys loved the story like a mother loves their child, because I did.

Goodbye Friend


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