Two||Elijah Tommas (EDITED)

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I woke up this morning confused. I never had a nightmare like that in my life. Okay Autumn shake it off and get ready for work. I took care of my hygiene, put on my black pants and light blue t-shirt, and took out my diary. I started writing about my dream and closed my diary. I put my diary back in the chest and locked it shut.

I looked at the time to see it's a quarter till eight. I put my phone and wallet in my pocket and walked downstairs to get a vanilla yogurt, with nuts and strawberries.

I grabbed the cup, got a plastic spoon, and took my car keys and drove to work while eating my quick breakfast.

I parked my car at the end of the parking space and got out of the car with my now empty cup. I threw away the cup and took my apron from the rack and tied it around my waist. I got a new rag and cleaned every table and flipped the 'closed' sign to 'open'. I put the rag in the empty bucket and washed my hands. I took my notepad and stood behind the counter waiting for the customers to arrive.

About ten minutes later ---customers started to pour in, I wrote down their orders, served them and repeat.

"Hello Autumn, I heard that this cafe is the best in town." A gruff voice said to me.

I looked up at the voice and see a tall cream-colored man waiting for my response.

"Well yes, in some people opinion they think we are the best." I answered staring back at his striking blue eyes.

"Why do you talk like that?"

"What do you mean, is there something wrong with the way I speak?"

"No, you just speak really proper," He continued on. "You sound like a queen or maiden."

"Oh sir you are fairly mistaken, I do not sound like a queen or fact in no close to being such royalty, but can you please order, people are still waiting."

He ran his hand through his black hair with brown highlights.

"Oh right, I'm sorry, I'll take black coffee with a bagel and cream cheese on the side."

I quickly wrote down the order and watched him walk away. I took some orders from more people until finally the bell dinged indicating the food is ready.

"Sorry it took so long, tell the customer that the toaster isn't really working, but by tomorrow we will have a new one."

"Okay" I replied taking the tray filled with different types of food and drinks.

I walked towards the man table and placed down his order and hummed sweetly. "I am so sorry your order took some time--- the toaster is not working properly, but tomorrow we will have a new toaster so the orders will go smoothly."

"It's fine. Thank you."

"Autumn Night and you?"

"Elijah Tommas."

I walked away and continued to serve the customers until I was left with no work to do.

"Waitress!" I heard Elijah yell not too loudly.


"Thank you for the breakfast." He said handing me a twenty dollar bill.

"Not to be rude, but your total is seven dollars and seventeen cents." I said handing him the money back on his hand.

"Just think of it as a tip."

I cleared my throat. "I don't want to feel like I'm taking your money from you."

"It's fine."

"No its not sir, I'm sorry here please just take it back."

He took the bill back and gave me ten dollars instead "Do you know how much people would just take the money without arguing? How come you're not like that?"

"My mother taught me to never take anything that doesn't belong to you." I paused and continued. "I'll get you your change for the ten dollars."

I felt a soft but rough warm hand grab me into a stop, I turn back to see Elijah staring at me.


"Don't give me the change back, it's your tip."

"Okay I give up, thank you kind sir." I said smiling.

"No problem maiden."

I laughed and walked back to the register and put the rest of the change in my wallet.

For the rest of the day I kept on working and working, but had a bad vibe.

I took off my apron and collected my things and drove straight home, I walked in the kitchen, heated up the leftovers, and ate.

After I was done I washed my dish and was about to head up my room until I heard a knock on my door.

No one ever visited the house in a long time, is today a special day or did someone finally recognized me. I opened the door to see it's the police.

"Can I talk to you Ms. Night?"

"Yes come in." Leave me be! I wanted to say but kept my mouth shut.

I walked in the kitchen and watched him sat down on the stool.

"Drink?" I asked.

"Water will do." The police officer said.

I handed him a cup of ice cold water and waited.

"Ms. Night, this case has been happening since 2002, are you sure you don't remember anything suspicious."

"Sir, in all due respect, if I knew what happened I would have told you, I wouldn't keep this from the police."

You're lying.

"I understand Ms. Night, it's just confusing how you don't remember , when you were in the same room with her."

"All I remember is screaming until I lost my voice then darkness took over. I'm sorry, I don't remember anything else."

"You know how important this case is, every murder that happened in the past years linked straight to your mothers."

I rubbed my forehead and looked down in shame. "I don't remember officer."

"Okay miss, then I'll be on my way." He got up and followed me towards the door.

"Good night, Ms. Night."

"Good night, I'm sorry I couldn't remember anything."

"Its fine, I know you're trying your best."

I smiled and closed the door, if only the officer knew that I remember everything broad as daylight.

I sighed and went to bed.

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