Nineteen||Three Wishes

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Autumns POV

I felt his rough hands grabbed me dragging me down the stairs that leads to darkness. I halted my foot on the wooden stairs, adding more pressure to slow him down, but I failed. He pulled me even harder and I felt the wood stab into the bottom of my heel.

"Ow!" I screamed in pain. "Please stop, please, I think my foot is bleeding." I cried.

"I don't give a fuck about your damn foot, that's the consequence for thinking you can slow me down." He whispered harshly. We suddenly stopped in front of a dented wooden door.

He chuckled and opened the door. "Enjoy your stay." And pushed me into the room.

I tripped against my foot and hit the hard cemented floor. I looked around to see dust flying in the air and a little light shining from a hole.

Isn't it night time? I wondered.

The light dimmed down until I couldn't see anything. I pushed myself up and walked around trying to feel for a wall.

I felt the cold concrete wall and slid down into a cradle position, and found myself going into a blissful sleep.

"Wake up!" Issac screamed.

I opened my eyes and slowly got up.

He squatted in front of me and smiled darkly at me.

His smiles mean no good Autumn, remember that.

"You Autumn, are in luck, im feeling a little generous this morning and I'll grant you three wishes."

I could ask him to set me free, or even talk to Elijah.

He paused and continued on. "But, you cannot wish for your freedom, or to see your son."

My son? He isn't dead? Oh thank the heavens.

I licked my dry, chapped lips and cleared my throat. "My first wish....." I paused to think. What could I ask for? Elijah? The police? I immediately thought of my diaries. I took a breath and whispered. " I wish for my diary box."

He darkly chuckled. "No water, food, light, better room? Just a fucking box full of diaries! What are you planning Ms. Night?"

"Nothing, I just want my diaries."

He stood up and left the room. I looked up to see the light barely shining through. If its morning why is the light barely shining through?

Stay strong my love.

Elijah POV

"Elijah! Calm down please!" Isabela screamed.

I flopped down on the couch. "Where's my daughter?"

"She's at Anna's house, she's safer there."

"What if we don't find her?"

"We will, don't bring yourself down with negativity."

"What if we find her but it's too late?"

She sat down next to me and engulfed me into a hug. "Nothing will happen to her, okay, she's been through so much, and she can handle herself."

There was silence. Isabela and I both knew what Issac is capable of, expect the unexpected if you're dealing with him.

"I could use a drink, too bad Autumn never has alcohol in the house."

"Oh no, no, no, no drinking for you, especially no-"

We heard a crash coming from upstairs. I quickly ran up hearing the noise coming from Autumn's room.

Who the hell is in there?

I open the door to see Issac carrying her diary box.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

He paused, winked, and jumped out of the window the box in his hand.

"Fuck." I murmured. I ran back downstairs, grabbing my keys and entered my car.

"Isabela, stay here, I don't want you getting hurt." I yelled while starting the ignition, zoomed out of the neighborhood and followed Issac.

How in the hell is he so fast?

He suddenly stopped in front the car making me press on the breaks by instinct. He turned around slowly and smiled at me. In a flash he was next to the driver's window. How in the? But before I could finish thinking he broke the window and grabbed me by the collar.

I froze in shock. I see his iris turn into a blood red.

"Let's play a game... since you want to act like a tuff guy, let's see how long it's going to take for me to drain you, you have a five second head start."

He opened the car door, pulled me out, and started counting.


I finally got into my senses and started sprinting away. Not even four seconds later he's in front of me.

"Time's up Elijah."

He pulled me by my collar and plunged his teeth into my neck draining my blood.

Autumn. I thought before darkness consumed me.

Issac's POV

After dropping of lover boy's body, I decided to pay a visit to Mathew.

I entered my home greeted by the nanny.

"How is he?"

"He's perfectly fine, when should we inject the baby with your blood."

"In a few days, I'll give you the heads up."

She nodded and walked away.

I grabbed the box and walked into the woods. Finally after dozen of stairs I opened the wooden door. I entered the "room" to hear Autumn talking. It's only been a day and she's acting crazy. I listened closer to hear her praying. I dropped the box startling her.

"Another rule, NO praying or your daughter gets taken too."

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