Three||Sick Day (Edited)

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I woke up this morning feeling a bit ill, I called my boss and told him if I could have three days to a week off. I took a hot shower and changed into a sweater and sweatpants with fluffy socks.

I walked downstairs feeling drowsy.

I hate feeling this way.

I sat on my brown couch in my living room and turned on the news on my flat television screen above the fire place and got comfortable. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head, knocking me out cold.


"Wake up!" A gruff voice boomed.

I opened my eyes to find myself in my room, tied to my bed.

"Sleeping beauty is up." He cackled

"What do you want from me?" I groaned out

"Did you tell?"

"No, I kept my mouth sealed, so please untie me."

"Do you know who you're talking to?" He gritted out, griping my neck.

I started to see black spots until he let go, I know for sure there's going to be a bruise by tomorrow.

"Your just like your mother you know that?"

"Don't speak of her."

"Aw, why not, she didn't really have anything to live for." He said smiling wickedly.


"I think you need to be learned a lesson." He said taking off his belt.

"No, no, anything but that." I croaked pressing my back more towards the head board.

"Don't try to run, your mother did the same."

Tears started to run down my cheeks. "Please don't."

"This is going to be fun."

I woke up the next day, to see dried up blood on my wrists. I got up from bed and immediately fell down feeling pain throughout my whole body. I bit my lower lip holding in the scream I desperately wanted to release. Finally, after a few minutes of laying I pulled myself up with the little strength I have and limped towards the bathroom. I looked at my naked bruised body and sobbed. My face was paler than normal and my brown eyes filled with tears, wanting, pleading to come out. I sighed.

How I wish my mother was here so I could hug her one more time, just to tell her I miss her. I paused thinking. I'm a weak, worthless, fool. I can't fight back, can't tell the police, and can't even avenge my mother's name. I'm a horrible excuse for a daughter. I deserve this, this is my punishment.

I looked up and close my eyes.

"Mother, I am so sorry. From the bottom of my heart I am." I continued to say with my voice breaking. "If I could take your place I would." Tears started to form more in my eyes. Stuttering I spoke out. "I miss you mommy, I need you. I opened my eyes and let the tears pour like a waterfall. Have you ever felt your heart being pulled at? Not breaking no, you just feeling someone roughly grabbing your heart, twisting it and pulling it out ever so slowly to make you feel each and every little pain.

I took and deep breath and took a shower. I put on some concealer on my face to cover up the bruises and put on a long sleeved sweatshirt and sweatpants. I put on my flip-flops and decided to take a little walk around the neighborhood. I left my house and looked at the scenery around me. All different color houses, but looked the same. I past the neighborhood park, that mother and I used to go to every Sunday to look at the clouds.

"Autumn?" I heard Elijah yell.

I turn around to find Elijah right behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just got a new place."

"Oh wow."

"Do you know, who lives over there?" He said pointing at my house.

"No why?" I said gulping nervously.

"Well you didn't hear this from me, but last night I heard a girl crying and screaming, I didn't know what to do, I wanted to call the police...."

"Did you?!" I quickly asked.

"No." He said as if it was a question.

I sighed in relief.

"Okay well I got to go."

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