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Anna's POV

Whose Issac and what deal is Elijah talking about? I wondered.

I entered Isabela's room, grabbed the book "When Doves Cry", and walked back downstairs. I sat down on the kitchen stool and asked "Whose Issac?"

They both froze like a deer caught in headlights. Autumn cleared her throat and asked "Why do you ask?"

"Elijah was on the phone and he said something about no more tricks Issac."

Autumn closed her eyes and took deep breathes.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked.

Isabela grabbed me softly but firmly and whispered. "No babe, just come with me."

I followed Isabela out of the kitchen into the living room.

She sat down and patted to the seat next to her and said "Let me tell you about Issac."

Elijah's POV

I walked into the kitchen to see Autumn with her hands over her face.

"Are you okay, love?" I wondered.

She looked up with fresh tear stains on her cheeks.

"What's wrong?"

"Who were you on the phone with?"

I stepped back in shock, but regained my composure. "What are you going on about?"


"I was on the phone with a friend."

"So Issac is a friend now?"

"What are yo-?"

"You know, you were on the phone with Issac, what were you talking about with him?"

I looked around not meeting her eyes and stuttered. "I w-was just, I -was just trying to get our son back."

I looked into her eyes to see her face softened. She walked closer and engulfed me into a hug.

"Thank you for trying Elijah," she sighed out. "..But why keep this from me?"

"Because, if I got our son back, it, it would've came with a price."

"What's the price?"

"An exchange, me for our son."

She stiffened and slowly let me go.

"Isn't there another way?"


"Thank you for trying, but I wouldn't want you to give yourself to Issac just like that, I would be miserable either way."

"But you would have our son, our daughter's twin."

"I know but, there has to be another way, in the meantime, don't hide anything from me, please?"

"I won't."

I pulled her close and brushed my lips against her forehead.

"I'll go check on the baby."

I watched her walk out of the kitchen and decided to have a chat with Anna. I walked into the living room to here Isabela say "..And that's who Issac is."

"Can we talk, Anna?"

She looked at me wide-eyed and nodded.

I sat across from the couple and said "I hope you don't think of me as disloyal."

"Oh, oh- no, of course not, just a bit confused."

"Well let me clear up the era for you both."

Autumn's POV

I changed Cherishes diaper, fed her and cradled her. I threw away the diaper in the bin and walked downstairs with her.

"Aww." I hear Isabela and Anna voices scream.

I walked in and sat down next to Elijah. "What where you too aweing about?"

"Elijah just finished telling us about what he was trying to do." Isabela stated.

"Yeah, he's really sweet." Anna added on.

Isabela stood up and stretched. "I'm going to Wendy's, need anything?"

We all shook our heads 'no' and watched her grab her keys and walked out.

Isabela's POV

I walked into Wendy's to see a fair line. I looked around to see it mostly kept together unlike other fast food restaurants. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned over to see a tall man with oddly pale skin, dark green eyes, and dark brown hair, wearing a light black shirt and leather jacket.

"Can I help you?" I ask the man.

"Yes, you actually could, I need you to tell Autumn to stay safe."

"And how do you know Autumn?"

"Close friend." He smiled.

The way his eyes glint and the smirk he had told me he's up to no good. Who is he, and how does he know Autumn?

I got my food and drove home, with questions spinning in my mind. I walked back into the house to hear everyone talking in the kitchen.

"I'm back." I exclaimed.

"What did you get?" Elijah asked.


"You don't have to be a smart a--."

Autumn scolded him. "Language Elijah."

"Language Elijah." I mocked at him.

"Autumn," I said as I started to eat my food. "Do you know a man with green eyes, pale skin and dark brown hair?"

I saw her visibly gulp. "Yes why?"

"He told me to tell you to stay safe. Is he a friend?"

"You were talking to Issac, Isabela." Elijah stated.

I looked at Elijah wide-eyed and swallowed my burger. "How does he know me?"

"He knows everyone that I care about." Autumn whispered.

Elijah POV

"Let's talk about this tomorrow." Autumn continued on. "I'm beat."

I kissed her a goodnight and watched her walk up the stairs.

"Does that mean, I'm involved with this now?" Anna asked.

Before I could reply I get cut off with Autumn screams.

I run up the stairs with Anna and Isabela hot on my tail. I open the door to see Autumn not in the room and the window wide open.

"Oh my god." Isabela whispered.

I fell on my knees, with my eyes staring at the open window.

She's gone. I told him to take me, but she's gone.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Elijah, Elijah, its okay, we will find her."

"She's gone."

"We will find her, come on get up."

"She's gone."


I felt the tears pool down my cheeks. "Why!?"

I got up and punched the wall. "Why? Why!?"

"Elijah!" Isabela screamed.

I continued to punch the wall. "WHY!? WHAT DID I DO?"

"You didn't do anything, just please calm down."

"I couldn't save her, I had the chance to just save her but I couldn't."

I feel the girl's hands tugging me away from the wall and laying me on the bed.

"Go to sleep, okay?"

I closed my eyes, welcoming the darkness.

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