Four||Bathtub (Edited)

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Why me?

Why my mother?


Can someone hear me?

Can someone hear my soul pleading to be free?

Help me.


Seven year old Autumn POV

My soul is pleading for mercy.

I'm just a little girl.

I don't deserve this.

My mother doesn't deserve this.


"Mommy where are you?"

"Please help me."

"Hold me and tell me everything is going to be fine."

"Please come back?"

"I know you can hear me."



"Tell me this is just a dream."

"Tell me that you will protect me."

"You didn't go to Neverland yet did you?"

"I know your still here..."

"You've got to be here." I said whimpering.

Present Day POV

I remember that day. I can still hear my squeaky voice begging for help.




Earlier that day

After I ran off from Elijah, I got lost. Yes I know I'm such an idiot. I turned around and I'm walking straight back. I looked around once more to see the entrance of my neighborhood, I started speed walking in because it seems like it's getting late. I enter my house to see a trail of blood going up the staircase. I follow the blood and see it leads to my room. I opened the door and gasped. Water started to fill in my eyes as I look at my mother's only sister. I quickly rush over to her to see if she's alive. Luck was not on my side, because she's dead. I chocked on a sob.

"Where were you?" I hear him say.

"I was out for a walk."

"Do you notice how late it is?"

I look at the time to see it's a minute till nine.

"It's only nine o'clock." I said searching for him.

I hear his heavy boots pound on the carpet and until I hear nothing but silence.

I look to my left and see him standing so close. I took a step back until he pulled me close to him.

"Please let me go."

"I'm not going to do anything to you... yet."

"Why did you kill my aunt?"

"Because, you came home late."

"It's only nine, it's not that late."

I felt a sting on my cheek and I fell on the ground.

"Don't disagree with me, this is why your precious aunt is dead, all because of you."

"I didn't..."

"Shh, you know you did, now clean up the blood and hide the body and also wear something nice tomorrow at 2."

"I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"Ahh bravery, your mother had bravery, you know where that led her?"

I stayed silent still on the floor.

"Bravery made her dead." He laughed and walk away.

I tried to hold in my tears but I couldn't, I cried and cried. I crawled in the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped myself naked and sat down while the warm water poured down on me. I looked to the side to see my razor.

I picked it up and smashed it. I took out the blade and held it up.

"One cut." I singed while slicing my wrist.

"Two cut." I continued to sing while slicing my wrist again.

"Three Cuts, Four." I said continuing to cut myself.

"Five won't hurt, why not slice more." I said cutting.

"Six cut, seven cut, and no one cares." I said cutting my wrist and laughing out of the pain.

"Eight cuts, nine cuts, don't be scared." I continue to sing until my whole arm was sliced up.

"Darkness, Darkness is what I want to see..." I said putting the blade up to my neck.

"A little girl like me deserves to bleed." I singed lastly as I sliced open my neck and welcomed darkness.

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