15|Diary Of Thoughts|15

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August 11th 2004

Dear journal,

School was fun today, I made some friends and they're really nice.

The nightmares still come from time to time but it will get better I hope.

None of my friends know about me writing. What if they laugh at me? Should I stop writing?

Goodbye Friend

Autumn Night

7 pm

December 28th 2007

School is tiring, I hate school. The teachers are just annoying, theirs this guy at my school that thinks he's all that and a bag of chips. But anyways, how've you've been? You probably had a more interesting life than me. I want something exciting to happen to be honest. One can dream.

Bye Friend

Autumn Night

5 pm

March 31st 2010

Today has been hectic, my boss fired me for thinking I stole something from him. I got accepted into university of Stanford earlier since I applied for it in the 11th grade.

I always thought of publishing my little diary, it's a sad reality but it would be a great fantasy. One day, I will make my mother proud of what I've become in this world.

How have you been? Did something exciting happen friend? Well.. don't leave me hanging.

Goodbye Friend

Autumn Night

6:45 pm

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