Eight||His sweet lips

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I remember that day like it was yesterday, the first time I got raped by my mother's boyfriend.

I open my eyes to be blinded by light. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and opened them again. I look around to see I'm in the hospital.

"Miss are you okay?" The male doctor said.

"Yes." I said groggily. He handed me some water and I dranked it slowly. I gave him back the cup and asked "Did you take care of the baby?"


"Thank you. I should get going."

I got up from the hospital bed, grabbed my belongings and left without another word.

I entered my house to see it a mess. I know I didn't leave it like this. I walked towards the kitchen to see HIM raiding my fridge.

"How come you weren't home?" He asked taking out a can of beer.

"Where did you get the drink?"

"I decided since this place is like a second home to me, I would restock."

"Get out."

"And why should I do that?"

"You're not welcomed here."

"And why is that?"

"You raped and killed my own mother in front of me , on my 9th birthday. Why else would you not be welcomed here for Santos!"

"Oh, that was a long time ago. Get over it."

"You raped me too!!! I was only seven years old."

"And??" He questioned.

I scoffed and went upstairs to my room. I opened up the window to see Elijah staring at me.

"Do you need anything Elijah?" I said putting my hair into a ponytail.

"We need to talk, come over at 7." He said and closed his window.

Well that was demanding. I took care of my hygiene and went back downstairs to see that he left. Thank god.

I looked at the time to see its 2 o'clock and decided to let my mind rest for some time.


I wake up by hearing pounding on my front door. I slowly got up and cracked my neck and opened up the front door.

"I said 7 o'clock, it's 8." Elijah said.

"Sorry." I said yawning." I decided to take a rest."

He pulled me out of the house and closed my door.

"Why couldn't we talk in my house?"

"Because I don't trust your boy toy." He said.


"The dude that's always at your house, pale skin, dark green eyes, dark brown hair."

"He is not my boy toy, as you call it."

"Whatever, let's go." He said dragging me to his house.

I entered his house and looked around, grey clean walls, brown polished wood flooring. We walked to his living room and sat on the black leather couch. I looked around to see that he's cleaner than the average male, most men would have food and beer all over the place, but he was different, grey coffee table nice and cleaned, bookshelf on each side of the wall filled with books and a medium sized flat screen TV on top of a fire place. I would love to take this idea for my living room.

"Nice isn't it?" He said.

"Yes, it is, did you design this yourself."

"Yes and no."

"Okay. So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"That outburst you had outside the other day."

"It was nothing, my mouth tends to blab on about nonsense."

"No, no, no, tell me what happened."

"It's nothing Elijah, now I must get going." I said standing up.

He grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me back down.

"I'm waiting."

I started playing with my fingernails, not making eye contact with him.

"Look at me." He whispered in my ear.

I shook my head no and continued to play with my nails.

"Look at me!!" He yelled.

I whipped my head towards him so quickly I could have gave myself a whiplash. I looked into his eyes, until I could finally see my reflection on his pupils. I look at my face and see that my guard is down, I see what he is seeing, and he sees a broken girl, having nowhere to go, no one to call family.

"You're very beautiful, you know that?" He said.

I was at lost for words but still held eye contact with him, for some reason I couldn't look away and for some other reason I didn't want to.

Elijah held onto my hand and I looked down. He grabbed my face lightly and said "focus on me. Don't worry about what I'm doing, just focus.on.me."

I nodded my head still lost for words.

"Any man is lucky to have such a beautiful creation, your mother must be proud."

Did I hear him correctly? My mother must be proud, why would my mother be proud of me.

He chuckled and that brought me back from my thoughts.

"You don't see it don't you? You are a goddess compared to us. You don't see you can bring light into this word."

"Why are you saying this Elijah?"

"Because, I wanted to be the first person to tell you this before anyone else."

"Stop lying."

"You think I'm lying." He said taking out my ponytail.


"I can prove it to you." He said with his face getting closer to mine.

"Show me."

And that's when he kissed me.


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