9|Diary Of Thoughts|9

35 4 1

December 10th 2000

Dear Diary,

Hello again!

So my mothers boyfriend left!!

Isn't that great?

He just left without a word without a trace.

I hope he doesn't come back, mother and I have been having such a great time!

I know i seem clingy but if you met him , you would strongly dislike him. (Cant use the word hate because mother says to never use it). I made a new friend.Finally!! I thought I would have to stay in school friend less. That would suck! Anyways, she's really nice. Maybe you will meet her one day,while I have light brown eyes and brown hair, she has blonde hair with brown highlights and light green eyes.

Her name is Samantha Anderson. It's such a pretty name ,one day you two will have to meet!! I can't wait.

Well that's all.

Goodbye Friend

-Autumn Night∆

7 am

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