Six||Spilled Truth

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What is that beeping sound?

And why does it smell like Clorox and blood?

"She will be up soon, but it is going to take her a while to heal." I heard a voice say.

"Is she going to be okay?" I heard a voice oddly sounding like Elijah said.

"It depends, as you can tell some the bruises, she's been raped and beaten."

"How do you know?"

"My daughter, had the type of bruises." The man said sighing.

I finally get the strength to open my eyes and be blinded by light. I quickly close my eyes and count to three to open them up again. My eyes start to focus and I see a worried Elijah with a doctor.

"Hello, Miss Night, you have two fractured ribs , a twisted ankle, and a broken arm."

"Water?" I said taking in on what the doctor said.

Elijah handed me a glass of water and I gulped it down like it's my last. Never knew water tasted that good.

"Do you remember anything?" Elijah said.

"All I remember is walking home from the cemetery and then seeing darkness." I lied smoothly.

"You're lucky your boyfriend found you or, I don't know what could have happened to you." The doctor said.

I ignored how he said boyfriend and closed my eyes to rest this pounding headache that came up.


"Yes?" I said not opening my eyes.

"How come you never told me you're suicidal?"

My heart dropped.

"What do you mean?" I said staying calm.

"The scar on your neck and wrist."

"It was from a cat that I saved from a tree a long time ago."

"Why did you lie?"


"The people that raped you."

"How do you know that they raped me?"

"So they did?"

Dang it, he caught me.

"It's nothing Elijah, let me rest... please."

"Goodnight Autumn, feel better." He said.

I felt warm lips on my cheek just before I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to see Elijah's face really close to mines.

"Do you need something Elijah?"

"I'm taking you home let's go."

"Its fine, I'll fine my way home."

"Don't argue with me Autumn and let's go." He said while picking me up and walking out the room.

"Elijah! This is kidnapping!"

"Stop over reacting."

He walked out if the hospital and put me in the back seat of his Chevy SS.

He is not treating me like a child right now.

"I'm sleeping over."

"Wait what?" I said tilting my head.

"It's either your sleeping over at my house or I'll stay at yours?"

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