12|Diary Of Thoughts|12

24 3 1

March 28th 2001

Dear Diary,

Hi friend!

I made a new friend!

His name is Prince.

He has chocolate colored skin and big brown eyes, and he has such curly hair, he reminds me of the singer Michael Jackson when he was young.

I think I have a crush on him, but boys have cooties!!

His friends don't like me because im a girl and they wont even let me play with them because I cant keep up!

Ever heard of equal rights!!

His friend Octavion hates me the most, but I told the lady he was being mean to me and she said 'if a boy is mean to you that means he likes you'"

And im like what??

That doesn't make any sense, like if I throw away my vegatables does that mean I like it?

Eww!! I don't like my veggies, but mother used to make me eat them.

Oh mother. How I missed you.

I learned how to keep my emotions bottled up inside. I don't want anyone judging me.

But how was your day friend?

One day, we will meet and we're going to have so much fun!!

Goodbye for now!!

See you later Alligator!!

4 pm

-Autumn Night√√√

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