Chapter 25

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*Six Weeks Later*

Rowan stared at the pregnancy test in her hand. She was pregnant. She should have realised it sooner but everything had been going so well with her job, her friends, her boyfriend. Jack. She would have to tell him. No. She couldn't. Jack wasn't ready for a child... if she told him, he would leave...

How could she have been so stupid? It must have been the first time they'd had sex – they were too drunk to remember a condom – but why hadn't it occurred to her sooner? Rowan had missed her period, she kept throwing up... she was stupid!


A few weeks later, at 20 weeks pregnant, Rowan was at the doctor's. She was having her first ultrasound and she was petrified. She hadn't told anyone that she was pregnant: not Hazel, not Jack, not Zoe.

After the ultrasound, the doctor printed out a couple of copies of the ultrasound as Rowan had lied and said Jack just wasn't able to get out of work to come with her. When she left the doctor's, she called someone that she hadn't spoken to in a couple of weeks. Zoe.

Rowan knew that it was risky hanging out with Zoe and the rest of the gleamers because Jack still didn't know who she really was. She just didn't know how to tell him.

"Hey Ro!" "Hi. Have you got any plans for tonight?" "Actually, Alfie was going to a party so we'll be free to hang out alone," "Oh, what party?" "Just one for the gleamers... I've been feeling anxious for the last couple of days so I'm not going," "Can I go with Alfie then?" "What? Don't you want to hang out with me?" "Sorry Zo, but I kinda feel like going to a party and drinking all my problems away..." "That doesn't sound very safe," "It's fine Zo, I won't actually drink anything alcoholic. I'll drive and that way you'll know Alfie is safe," "Erm... I mean, you can go if you want. I'm sure Alfie won't mind you being his plus one," "Great, what time shall I pick him up?" "7?" "Cool see you then Zo," "Bye love you," "Yeah..."

Rowan hung up and sighed. She felt guilty for not telling Zoe the truth about Jack or that she was pregnant with his child.

Rowan pulled up outside the venue of the party. "I'm so excited Alfie! I'm gonna get so drunk..."

"I thought you told Zoe you weren't going to drink anything?"

"Yeah, well, I changed my mind because I'm not boring. We'll just get a taxi home?"

Alfie nodded hesitantly, already decided that he wasn't going to drink anything. He had gotten his provisional license a couple of months ago and with Rowan in the car, he would be allowed to drive. It would be much better if he drove them home rather than getting a taxi.

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