Chapter 46

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"Rowan, I love you. I'm so sorry," Jack said as soon as Zoe had taken him to where she was. Zoe went upstairs with Nala to give them some privacy. "I'm sorry,"

"Annie's gone, Jack," Rowan muttered with tears in her eyes. "I didn't want you to go as well. But I didn't want you to see me cry," Jack stepped closer to her and tried to take her hand. Rowan moved it away. "No," she mumbled.

"Ro – Amelia... I'm so sorry. I love you so much. I made a mistake, I was angry," Jack said.

"Don't call me that!" Rowan insisted. "Don't you get it? I'm a liar! I'm a bitch and I don't deserve any of you. How can you all forgive me?"

"Because we love you, Amelia. I love you," Jack insisted.

"Stop calling me that," Rowan begged. "My name is Rowan. You don't love me. You shouldn't love me,"

"But I do love you," Jack assured her. Rowan shook her head and Jack's heart sunk. He had ruined everything. Every fucking thing.

"I'm sorry. But I can't do this anymore. I can't live my life pretending that our baby's death doesn't affect me; like I don't blame myself,"

"It wasn't your fault," Jack tried.

"I chose to get drunk, Jack. I chose to do that. Not Alfie, not you, not our baby. I killed our baby. And I lied to you and I hurt my family and now my best friend is dead," Rowan rambled.

"Ro –" Jack started.

"You should leave," Rowan said. Jack tried to refuse; tried to shake his head and insist that she come with him. But he couldn't. Maybe this was best? "Leave and don't come back. I'm sorry,"

"I still love you. Remember that, Rowan. I love you," Jack told her seriously.

"Goodbye Jack," Rowan said. Jack turned around and left the house.


Zoe heard the front door close and went back downstairs. "Everything okay now?" she asked Rowan happily. Rowan nodded slightly and stared at her sister.

"I told him to leave and never come back," she mumbled. Zoe looked confused.

"W-what? But why?" she asked.

"Because I don't deserve him. He's an amazing guy... I've hurt him too much already. I've hurt everyone," Rowan explained.

"But you love him,"

"That's why I had to end it," she replied. Zoe shook her head slightly. "I'm going to leave now, Zoe,"

"No. Please don't Ro," Zoe begged; her voice breaking as a lump formed in her throat. She couldn't lose her again. It was too much. But Rowan shook her head and walked out.

She was leaving for good this time. And she was never coming back.


Hello! Thank you so much for reading My Heart and Other Black Holes. I really hope you enjoyed it. As you can probably see by the title, this is the first in a series so there will be a sequel. I haven't even started writing it yet, but I do know briefly what is going to happen in it. I also know that it's going to be set almost three years after this story finishes, so Zoe and Alfie will be engaged and expecting a baby and who knows where the other characters will be...

(I do, but I'm not going to give it away)

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