Chapter 33

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Hazel closed her eyes and Louise opened her mouth in shock. Zoe looked confused.

"I don't... I don't know who Jack is," Zoe answered truthfully.

"Howard... Jack Howard," Hazel whispered. Zoe frowned at Hazel's words and Louise nodded.

"They've been together for –" Louise started.

"Twenty weeks," Hazel finished softly.

"Right... but who's ultrasound is this?" Rowan asked, not understanding what was going on.

"It's, erm... it's yours Rowan. You lost the baby in the accident," Zoe said; tears falling again.

"No... that's not... that's not possible," Rowan insisted, shaking her head and staring at the ultrasound. She could just about make out the shape of the foetus. Her baby... "No," she finished. She dropped the scan and rushed out of the room, holding back her tears.

"I'll go..." Hazel offered.

"No, Louise will go," Zoe ordered. Usually, Hazel wouldn't have agreed to this but decided she would; after everything that had happened. Louise nodded and followed Rowan, who had gone upstairs. Then Zoe turned to Hazel. "My sister is dating Jack Howard?" she asked.

"Yes, what's wrong with that?" Hazel asked defensively.

"Nothing... I just, Jack doesn't really seem to like gleamers and well, Rowan's related to two of us. Plus, he's a bit of an arse..." Zoe explained.

"He's not an arse Zoe, he's just arrogant. And she never told him who she was related to. Why do you think he hasn't visited her?" Hazel replied.

"She was pregnant with his baby... did you, did you know she was pregnant?" it hurt Zoe to ask this but she wanted to know. Hazel shook her head and picked up the ultrasound.

"I don't think Jack knew either..." she said, reading the note on the back.

"We need to tell him," Louise said from behind them. Zoe and Hazel turned around quickly. "Rowan is getting her shoes on so you can take her for a walk Hazel and I've called Jack... he's coming over so me and Zoe can tell him everything,"

"What? No!" Hazel insisted. "Rowan didn't want him to know who she was for a reason,"

"That's ridiculous Hazel, we can't just not tell him. What if she never gets her memory back?" Zoe snapped.

"Zoe, I hate to break it to you but you're the reason Jack thinks Rowan is actually Amelia... by the time they'd gotten together, you had already been reunited but she chose to withhold that from him," Hazel said harshly. Zoe opened her mouth to argue but Louise interrupted her.

"Hazel... we have to tell him. He has a right to know," Louise reasoned. Hazel shook her head in defeat and left the room.

"Come on then Rowan, let's go and get some food or something," Hazel suggested.

"But what about the ultrasound... what about my baby?" Rowan whispered.

"I'm sorry Ro..." Hazel started.

"No... it's, it's alright," Rowan assured her. "Let's go,"

My Heart and Other Black Holes (My Heart #1)Where stories live. Discover now