Chapter 24

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Hazel and Rowan had a great day shopping but the topic of Rowan's fake identity had still not been bought up and they were on the train home. "Rowan... I know you probably don't want to think about this right now but when are you going to tell Jack the truth?" Hazel asked hesitantly.

She felt bad bringing it up but knew Rowan would keep trying to run away from it until it was too late. "Hazel... I can't do it," Rowan confessed.

"Of course you can," Hazel assured her. "You have to,"

"I can't!" Rowan yelled angrily with tears in her eyes.

"For goodness sakes, Rowan, you have to, whether you can or not!" Hazel yelled back; causing the other passengers to stare at them. Rowan slumped into the train seat and turned away from Hazel. She knew she had to, but how the hell was she supposed to? 'Oh, hey Jack, just FYI, my name isn't Amelia, it's Rowan. And I'm related to the Suggs – you know, the ones you despise. Love you!' No.

She couldn't.

Hazel and Rowan sat in silence for the most of their journey but once they started to get closer to their stop, Hazel knew she had to say something.

"Rowan... or Amelia, or whatever it is you want me to call you, if you don't tell Jack soon, I will. And trust me, it's going to be much worse coming from me," Hazel threatened. Rowan ignored her. "Rowan," she repeated impatiently.

"I was thinking of moving house, you know... maybe back to Bath," Rowan said.

"What?" Hazel asked in confusion. "What are you talking about, Rowan? You can't just leave,"

"I did before," Rowan pointed out.

"And look what happened! Nope, you aren't just running away from your problems. I'm not going to let you," Hazel insisted.

"Hazel, no offence, but I don't even know you and I really don't care what your opinion is," Rowan snapped.

"Fine. Whatever," Hazel snapped back. "Go mess up your fucking life again and see how I care!"

My Heart and Other Black Holes (My Heart #1)Where stories live. Discover now