Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I'msorryforthelongwaitI'vebeenalittlebusy... haha. Sohereis the next chapter, I hope you enjoy it! And let me know what you think. I'd really like to hear some opinions.

Also, this chapter is dedicated to imitiaz096! Thank you very much for reading and voting for this story :)

Anyways, I'd like to thank you again for checking out another chapter of thisbook.




"Murder My Heart?" I asked Alex as a steaming plate of fish and chips was placed in front of me. "Thanks," I said to the waitress before returning to Alex as his plate was set before him.

"Yeah, remember it?" He replied, taking a sip of his root beer.

"How could I forget? It was our wedding song," a large smile crept onto my face as I recalled the memory.

"Best day of my life," he said, picking up my hand and placing a soft kiss on it. My smile widened as I squeezed his hand, as a silent way of saying 'I Love You'. He smiled, looking into my eyes.

We both ate our food, occasionally starting a conversation about work. It wasn't until a woman passed by with a child in a stroller, that Alex said something about our relationship.

"I've been thinking... would you want to start a family? I mean have kids and settle down?"

I was taken aback momentarily. I took a sip of the soda in the glass which I had placed on my lips before he asked the question. I must've been taking a long time because he continued as I put down the glass.

"Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you."

"No don't take it back, I wasn't scared. I was just surprised because I've been thinking the same thing," I replied. A large smile appeared on his face.

"Really?" he asked, almost as if he was a child asking his mother if he could really do something. I nodded eagerly.

"So it's a yes?"

"It's a yes."

Suddenly I felt a tingle of warmth around my arms and my back as if someone was hugging me from behind. I looked around but there was no one there...

"Everything alright babe?" I heard Alex say as I blinked my eyes rapidly and looked around to see that I was in the kitchen. But why were my hands feeling slippery? I looked down and saw that they were submerged in warm soapy water. I was doing the dishes.

"What were you thinking so intently about?" He asked when I didn't reply.

"I was thinking about our lunch yesterday when you said you wanted to start a family." I looked up to his face and he smiled.

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