Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Dedicated to AhadoAdan for adding this story to her reading list! I hope you'll enjoy it when you start reading it :)


Thank you very much for checking out another chapter! I hope you're enjoying this story so far :)

Also, I don't know if you remember my note from the last chapter. I made a new cover for this story and I need help deciding if I should use it instead of the current one. Please help me choose; I'd really appreciate it. You can find the link on my profile page :)

Lastly, this chapter is unfortunately a filler for the next one which I hope will be more eventful. You'll see the appearance of a character named Mary. And if you remember from the beginning (I think it was in chapter three), she works with Victoria along with Ashley. Anyways, I still hope you'll enjoy this chapter!

Happy Reading,



 "Fae?" I asked surprised.

"Hi Victoria."

"What are you doing here?" There was a small silence as her expression went from surprised to sympathetic.

"Why don't we talk somewhere else?" she asked.

I didn't know whether that was a good idea but reluctantly, I agreed, getting up to get in my car while she walked to hers.

After following her for a few minutes, we arrived at a coffee shop. I parked behind her and got out, making sure to lock the car behind me.

We walked into the shop in silence, side by side.

"Welcome, what will you ladies like?" a teenage girl asked a little too enthusiastically for this time of the day. We both ordered before walking to a table in the back and sitting across from each other, noticing that there weren't many people there. After a few moments of silence, she spoke. 

"What were you doing at Alex's house?" she asked me, clasping her hands around her warm cup of coffee.

"I think the better question is what were you doing there?" I asked her; the venom in my voice surprising even me. She sighed and took a sip of her drink.

"I was just checking on how he was doing."

"This again?" I said as I leaned back, feeling slightly annoyed at her repeated answer.

"I'm sorry if it's not the answer you want to hear, Victoria. But it's the truth whether you want to accept it or not."

"I know the truth Fae," I exaggerated her name, "and that is, there is something going on between you and Alex. I don't know what it is but I know there's something there."

"You're right, there's something there. It's called friendship, have you heard of it?" she answered, taking another sip of her drink, her face showing a little bit of irritation.

"Yeah right," I muttered, taking a sip of my own.

"I don't know why you want to think that something is going on between me and Alex. And I don't know how many times I have to say it, there's really nothing going on. Why won't you believe me?" she pleaded. 

"Because I know the truth and you're not telling me it."

"Just because something is going on between you and Mike doesn't mean that there's something going on between him and me." I couldn't help but raise my brow.

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