Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Dedicated to ChristineMarieOney for her support for this story. I hope you're enjoying it :)


I can't believe it! You guys have done it again!! Thank you so much for the 2.66K reads. I've gained about 1061 reads since my last update?! That's amazing! And it's all thanks to you :) I know I thank you in every chapter but I really mean it; I can't express to you how grateful I am.

Also, I decided to change the cover to the new one to see how it looks for a few updates. If you like it then please let me know and I'll keep it. But if you don't then you can also let me know so that I can change it back sooner :)

Anyways this note is getting too long lol. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. And once again, thank you very much for reading my story!

Happy Reading,



One week earlier

As I pierced my fork through a salad leaf, I heard Mary address Fae.

"Long time no see Fae. How has everything been for you?" she asked her, returning to her own salad. I looked up to find Fae smiling slightly as she replied.

"Not too bad, I've just been dealing with some things that's all," she looked at me as she said the last part.

"Oh I hope it's nothing serious," Mary spoke again, looking at her sympathetically.

Fae looked at me with an eyebrow slightly arched. I looked away from her, not wanting to say anything, hoping that she got the hint that I didn't want her to elaborate.

"No nothing serious." I looked back at her to find a small smile gracing her lips and mentally thanked her for not bringing up my dilema. But before my gratitude could sink in, Ashley asked the question that I had been dreading. Because I knew that that question would provoke a topic that I didn't want to get into.

"Are you alright now Victoria?" she asked as I had began to eat my pasta. Immediately, I felt my throat constrict as I tried to fight back tears.

No I'm not okay, was what I wanted to say but I knew that would cause them to ask more questions.

"Yeah I'm fine."

I tried to look away as I felt the first tear fall onto my cheek. But as I wiped it away, Fae's words caused more to fall.

"So I heard that you have feelings for Mike. Is that true?"

It didn't surprise me that she knew. But the fact that she brought it up so bluntly as if it was nothing, irritated me. But more than irritating me, it reminded me of the confusion which had clouded my brain.

"I don't know," I replied.

And it was true. I didn't know if I really had feelings for him or if it was an illusion based on what had happened between the two of us.

"So are you going to pick him?" she asked.

I finally looked at her and saw that she looked annoyed. Why would she be annoyed? This had nothing to do with her.

"Why does it matter to you?"

"Why wouldn't it? Unlike you I care about Alex and I don't want to see him get hurt."

Did it really look like I didn't care about him?

"Well if you care about him so much why don't you just go and be with him?" I shouted at her. She was really starting to get on my nerves. She was supposed to be one of my closest friends. And now she was turning her back on me as if I was the reason why all this had happened.

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