Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Dedicated to jhesarry26 for adding this story to her reading list. I hope you're enjoying what you've read so far :)


Thank you for deciding to read another chapter of this story! I hope you're enjoying it so far and will continue to enjoy it with this chapter too. This chapter is in Alex's point of view like the last one because there are some things that he needs to explain to Victoria and I thought it would be easier if it was in his point of view. It's going to alternate between the present and past. The difference is the font; the present will be the normal font and the past will be italicised like in the last chapter. I hope you'll enjoy!

Happy Reading,



~•★Alex's Point of View★•~

Victoria continued to look at me without saying a word. I felt my lips tilt into a small sympathetic smile. I didn't know exactly what she was thinking about what I told her but I knew it was hard for her to accept it. When she walked in on the day it happened, it really must've looked like I actually kissed Amanda; I really must've looked like the bad guy. I chuckled slightly and she broke out of her trance.

"Do you know what I thought?" I asked her, the small smile still on my face. She shook her head and I continued, "I thought that when I was finally able to tell you what happened, I would have you back in my arms. But after seeing you with my brother today, I'm not so sure that'll happen."

She looked down, sadness covering her face. She looked back up slowly with a blank face.

"How could Amanda do that to Mike?" she asked in a small voice.

A sinister laugh left my lips and she looked at me with a confused face. "She didn't do anything to him," I said. Her eyebrows scrunched together and she asked me to explain. "They weren't dating, they were just friends. It was all an act." Her eyes widened and she covered her lips as she gasped.

"How do you know?" she asked. After taking another sip, I told her.

I pulled out of the driveway and drove. I couldn't stay at that house, knowing that my mom's biggest wish, the end of my relationship with Victoria, had just happened. Not knowing where else to go, I went to a park that I used to go to on my breaks at work. 

I got out of the car and walked towards a big tree in the middle. I sat down and leaned my back on it, placing my head in my hands and letting out the tears that I was afraid to release earlier.

The world that I had grown comfortable in, since I met Victoria, had just been torn down with just one kiss. The woman who was the love of my life was gone. I didn't have anything left.

I stayed at the tree, trying my best to think of a way to fix all of this; but nothing came to mind. I heard leaves crunch beside me and looked up to find Mike walking up to me. Immediately, anger overtook my sadness and I stood up, grabbing him by the collar when he was close enough, and pushing him against the tree hard.

"Dude it's me, I just want to talk," he said, looking a little panicked.

"Why did you have to bring her?" I breathed, trying to control my anger.

"Who? Amanda?" I nodded, afraid of losing my patience if I spoke.

"She wanted to see everyone."

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