Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I wiped away my tears as I realized that he wasn't going to show up. I had been sitting at the table for almost an hour, hoping that he'd show. I was such an idiot for believing that he would ever show up.

He had made it clear that he didn't want anything to do with me when he gave me the divorce papers. So why did I believe that it was him who had sent the invite.

Just because Fae had said so?

Maybe this was all a plot against me, to make a fool out of me.

"Ma'am would you like to order now?" I heard the waitress ask for the tenth time this night.

I looked at her and found her looking back with sympathy masking her face as I wiped away more tears.

"No, I'm leaving," I replied, trying to keep my composure.

I stood up and walked away but when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around to find her standing beside me with the same expression.

"You have to pay for the drinks," she said in a small voice, referring to the drinks I had ordered while waiting.

I nodded my head slowly as I walked to the front where the hostess was standing, slightly embarrassed. I reached into my purse and pulled out a bill and handed it to her before leaving. Not in the mood to stay any longer, I decided to let her keep the change.

As I stepped outside, I felt a cool breeze surrounding me, reminding me of how light my coat was. I hugged it closer to my body in an attempt to stay warm as I walked towards the parking lot.

When my car was within sight, I heard the person whom I had been waiting all night for.


I turned around to find Alex running towards me. I was tempted to take a few steps forward to see if it was really him but before I could, he was already standing before me, trying to catch his breath.

"So you finally decided to show," I said bitterly, feeling my eyes sting as the tears I thought I had wiped away started to return.

"What do you mean?" he asked when his breathing had finally returned to normal.

"You sent me an invite remember? Meet me at eight tomorrow at the restaurant I proposed. Wear something formal. Remember?" I asked him, repeating what the card had said.

"What are you talking about? I never sent anything like that to you."

"Besides me, you're the only one who knows where you proposed to me. How can you tell me that it wasn't you?!" I yelled.

"Because it wasn't me Victoria," he replied calmly.

"Would you just stop lying?!"

I couldn't believe that he was lying right to my face. How could I ever have been married to him?

"I'm not lying! I'm sorry if you don't believe me but it's the truth!" His tone was dripping with anger as he spoke.

We both remained silent as we looked at each other, waiting to see what the other would say or do. But neither of us said anything as we looked at each other with blank faces, not wanting to show the other person just how much this was affecting us.

Suddenly, his eyes widened and he dragged his hand across his face, something he used to do when he came to a realization he didn't like.

"What is it?" I asked softly.

"It was him."


"But why? What would he gain from this?" he continued, more to himself.

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