Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


Chapter 25! Thank you very much for reading this far, I never thought that I would write this many chapters for this story to be honest. But regardless, I hope that you're enjoying it. As I said in the last chapter, we are getting close to the end. About 5 chapters left. So I hope you'll continue to read until the end. And as promised, this chapter is much more interesting than the last. At least, I hope you'll think so too.

So Happy Reading,



It has to be you.

I stared at the card I had received about two weeks ago after I had gotten home from work. No matter how many times I looked at it, I just couldn't connect it with the other one. Even with that in mind, I still couldn't stop myself from thinking that it was from Alex just like the first one.

It had to be from him.

Who else would send me something like this?

The sound of my stomach growling pulled me out of my thoughts, causing me to stand up from where I was sitting on the floor and walking towards my bag where it lay on my bed before leaving.

I walked out of my apartment, determined to find a good place to eat. But I stopped outside the door and looked down as I felt something soft touch my leg. I bent down and picked up the small stuffed bear with a card resting on its feet.

I opened the card and read the message:

I love you.

Only you.

I wasn't expecting to receive another gift, but the immense joy which filled me caused me to smile. I sighed happily as I walked back inside and placed the bear on a table before adding the card to my small collection and leaving.

As I drove around looking for a place, pictures of Alex and me when we were happily married, drifted across my mind, bringing with it the warm feeling of love and nostalgia.

I wanted things to go back to the way they were and these messages were obviously a sign that he wanted the same.

So what was taking so long?

We had to get back together. Without a doubt, that was something that we both wanted.

With that thought in mind, I pressed the accelerator harder, driving towards his dad's restaurant. I didn't think that he would be there but I was hungry and that was one of the best places I had ever eaten at.

But if he was there, then maybe we could finally talk everything out. And continue the life we had started.

I arrived there shortly and entered immediately, feeling my stomach begin to growl again.

A smiling waiter stood at the front and greeted me. I greeted him back before following him to a seat and thanking him.

I was looking through the menu when he returned with a drink. As I was about to thank him, a loud bang surrounded everyone at the restaurant.

"You're not listening to me! It's like you don't even care!" I turned around to see Alex walking out of his father's office with a large frown. He was walking towards me.

"Calm down Alex. You're causing a scene," his father said calmly.

"This wouldn't happen if you just stopped to listen to me. I don't want this business. You can give it to Mike, your other son. Remember him?" he barked at him.

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