Bonus Chapter - I

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Bonus Chapter - I


So as you can tell from the title, this is the first bonus chapter. It's basically the last chapter in Alex's point of view. I thought it would be a good idea to show what happened before Alex showed up, so that it wouldn't look like he had magically shown up lol. I hope you'll enjoy it and look forward to Mike's point of view.

Happy Reading,



~•★Alex's Point of View★•~

As we stepped back to admire our hardwork, I couldn't help but smile. It had been a busy week, helping Fae paint her room. But I was still surprised as to why she had chosen to ask me to help her. She was a social butterfly, so she could've gotten just about anyone to help her.

But why me?

"It looks so much better than I imagined it," she said, clearly satisfied with it.

"I'm glad you like how it turned out. But can I ask you something?" It probably wasn't important but I felt as if I had to know.

"Sure," she replied, continuing to look at the last wall we had just painted.

"Why did you ask me to help you with the painting? Couldn't you have asked anyone else?" 

I saw a small smile form on her face as she turned to face me. 

"I could've. But I wanted it to be you." 

"Why?" I asked her curiously.

"Because there's something I need to know," she replied emotionless.

"What is it?"

She continued to look at me, not uttering a word until she sighed and her smile returned.

"How do you feel about Victoria?"

"What?" I felt as if her question had come out of nowhere. 

"You heard me Alex." 

I sighed and looked away, contemplating on whether I should tell her. 

But what would she gain from knowing my answer? I asked myself.

"Just answer me," she said, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"I love her," I said, more as a whisper as I turned to look at her. Surprisingly, she was still smiling.

"Is that why you asked her on a date to the restaurant where you proposed then?" she asked. My eyes widened as I processed her words, feeling slightly confused.

"What did you say?"

"I-Is something wrong?" her face was immediately coated in worry.

"What did you say Fae?" I asked her again, this time trying my best to show her how serious I was.

"I just asked if you asked her to meet you at the restaurant where you proposed because you wanted to tell her you love her."

"I didn't ask her out to anywhere."

"What? Then who's it from?" she began to panic.

"I don't know. Do you know what time she's going to be there?" I asked her, not expecting her to know. But surprisingly, she did.

"At eight."

I took my cellphone from my pocket and checked the time. Almost nine.

"I have to go," I told her, rushing out of her place. I heard her calls behind me but I couldn't stop. There was a possibility of something bad happening to Victoria and I couldn't let that happen.

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