Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Dedicated to DhaNoval for adding this to his reading list! I hope you'll enjoy it :)


Hello dear reader! Thank you very much for checking out chapter 22 of One True Love. And also, thank you for helping me each 1.6K reads! I really hope you've been enjoying everything so far.

Close to the end of this chapter, you may get confused. But don't worry, I'll clear it up in the next one :) there's a section which will explain everything which I decided to take out to make things a bit more mysterious :p But regardless of that, I still hope you'll enjoy it.

Reminder: please help me choose between the current cover and a new one (found on my profile page)!

Happy Reading,



I stood beside Mary as she stirred the pasta sauce, making a salad. I had asked her repeatedly why we were making so much food and every single time, she'd reply: "We might eat more than we expect" but her teasing smile made me question how true that statement really was.

As I was pouring the chopped tomatoes into a wooden bowl, the sound of the bell rang throughout the house.

"Can you please get that Victoria? The sauce is done so I can set up." I nodded my head sombrely and walked to the door. When I opened it, I was surprised to find my two friends at the door.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them, moving aside to let them in. Ashley hugged me tightly as Fae entered, closing the door behind her.

"Mary told us what happened earlier at work so we thought we'd join you," she said as she pulled away.

At the mention of what had happened at work, my eyes began to sting as tears threatened to fall. I shook my head in an attempt to keep the tears from coming out but that didn't work as a lone tear fell.

"Why are you here Fae?" I asked her, wiping away the tear.

"Are we not friends anymore?" she asked, a small smile on her lips.

"Are you all going to stay at the door or join me for dinner?" Mary asked from the kitchen. I felt my lips turn into a small smile as I followed them towards the dining room.

"We're coming Mary," Ashley said, chuckling slightly.

We walked into the dining room to find the table already set for dinner. How did she so that so quickly, I thought to myself as she walked to Fae and Ashley, hugging both of them briefly.


It had been a week since I had come to terms with the way I felt about Mike but I still wasn't sure if these feeling were past infatuation. I knew that they were strong feelings but how strong they were was a mystery to me.

As I was walking into my office for lunch, I felt my phone vibrate in my coat. Reluctantly, I took it out to find a text message. I didn't open it until I was sitting on my chair.

My heart pounded very quickly in my chest as I read the three words over and over from the man I had not heard from for a very long time.

Can we talk? - Mike

I swallowed a lump in my throat as I replied to him, asking where and when he wanted to talk; but before I could send it, my phone vibrated in my hand with his name on the screen.

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