Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Hey there! Thanks for checking out another chapter of OTL! I noticed that this story has 93 reads! (insert happy dance here) and I just wanted to say thank you for making that possible. I couldn't have done it without you. And because of that I attempted to make this chapter longer but I don't think I did... So hopefully the next one will be longer ^_^ I hope you enjoy chapter 8!

Also, this chapter is dedicated to Aria08 for being a great author and friend :) You should really check out her books if you haven't, especially "Inspirations" and "Everything about Islam"!

Happy Reading,



"Dude it's not what it looks like" Mike said, getting up and walking towards his brother. A bitter smile appeared on Alex's lips as he stood in the doorway, shaking his head as this situation seemed to replicate what happened at the barbecue.

"I should've known," he said, turning around to leave. I couldn't form any words because I was clueless as to what happened last night. The only thing I remembered was dancing with Mike; everything else was a blur.

"Alex it's not like that," Mike pleaded with his brother. They had left the room now but from what I was able to make out, Alex wasn't listening.

A few seconds later, what must have been the front door slammed and Mike came back into the bedroom and sat down on the bed.

"Mike what's going on?" I asked. He ran a hand through his hair as he faced away from me. "Did we do anyth─"

"No, no of course not," he replied.

"Then tell me what happened," I tried my best to stay calm but I felt like I had done the worst thing I could do to Alex: repeat what he did to me, and my heart pounded from nervousness. Mike sighed and got up, putting on a clean shirt and walking towards the door.

"Can we talk about this over breakfast?"

"Yeah sure," I reluctantly replied, moving the blanket from my legs and noticed what I was wearing for the first time. My dress was gone and Mike's shirt from last night had taken its place.

I walked out of the room slightly dazed and took a turn, trying to remember how to get to the kitchen as this was only my second time being here.

"In here," I heard his voice in the other direction and joined him moments later. I took a seat at the small dining table and faced him as he stood by the stove, reaching into a cupboard. "I don't usually have anything so is it okay if I run to a store close by?" he asked, walking towards me with two mugs.

"Of course, I can make coffee or tea while you're gone." He nodded before leaving.

When he left, I got up and grabbed the kettle on the counter, filling it with water. As the water slowly piled up, I looked around wondering where Amanda was─I thought she was his girlfriend.

I didn't see her last night at the club, I thought, placing the kettle on the dock-like thing and plugging it in. As the water began to boil, I heard the front door open and seconds later, Mike was standing in front of me.

"That was fast," I said, turning around to face him. I quickly tried to cover my legs as my face heated when I saw him looking at them. "Oh I'm sorry I should've changed into something else."

"No it's okay... It's not like it's the first time I've seen you like this anyway," he replied with an awkward laugh. I forced a smile as I returned to preparing the tea.

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