Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Dedicated to rhonmata for voting for this story. I hope you've been enjoying it so far :)


Thank you very much for checking out another chapter. I know that there is a long delay between updates but you can't rush the creative process (lol that was a joke). I hope you'll enjoy this one and hopefully the next one will be up sooner.

Also, I'd like to thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my story. I know it's not the best but I appreciate every read. Thanks for 210 reads!

Happy Reading,



"Mom why are you saying this?" Alex broke the silence, earning everyone's eyes.

"Didn't you see the way she was smiling when she walked in with your brother? It was as if they just came back from a date or something." The venom in her voice was easily detected.

I looked over at Mike to find him staring at his mother with the same dumbfounded expression that I had.

Where was this coming from? I thought to myself.

"Marian you should know that she would never do that. They're just friends," my mom defended me. Marian rolled her eyes as she sent glares my way, increasing the guilt which had started to build.

"Of course you'll defend your daughter. She's your blood, you have no reason not to," she replied.

"She never did anything wrong mom. Stop all of these accusations," Alex spoke again, his voice slightly louder, obviously getting annoyed by his mom as he adjusted himself in the hospital bed.

"Look at what she's done to you. She made you believe that she loved you and when you got caught doing something you didn't even do, she leaves you. Some wife she is."

Silence echoed in the room as everything she said sunk in. The part that stuck out to me and my mom, judging by her question, was what she said about Alex. I attempted to say something but my mom beat me to it.

"What do you mean he 'got caught doing something he didn't even do?'" my mom asked.

Immediately, her eyes widened as if she had just released a secret but she quickly covered it up, her voice continuing to sink deep as she spoke.

"Alex didn't cheat on Victoria."

Everyone's head darted in her direction as her words escaped her lips. I knew what I saw that day and there was no way that could've been a lie. The knowing expression which suddenly appeared on Alex's face confirmed that what she had said may have had some truth to it.

But how was that possible? I know what I saw; there's no way I could be wrong.

My head spun with questions as I looked from her to Alex who was staring at me; almost as if he was looking for a reaction but I didn't know how to react so once again I chose to retreat.

"Excuse me," I whispered as I left the room.

"Victoria! Wait!" I heard Alex and Mike call after me but I couldn't stay there any longer; it was too much for me to handle. I ran down the same halls that I had earlier, hearing several footsteps behind me but I didn't stop─I couldn't stop.

I ran out of the hospital, trying to find a spot to sit where I could think.

As I ran past the parking lot, my car caught my eye as it glistened in the moon light. I walked towards it, feeling tears starting to escape from my eyes as I got closer.

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