Bonus Chapter - II

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Bonus Chapter - II

Dedicated to MaeLeenCastillo for voting and commenting. I'm really glad you enjoyed it :)


Another bonus chapter! I hope you didn't forget about Mike (lol). You found out in Chapter 30 and the first bonus that he was the one who sent the invitation. And I didn't want it to seem as if he just sent it without actually showing up for no reason. So here's his point of view! Enjoy!

Happy Reading,




~•★Mike's Point of View★•~

I stood before my mirror, busily adjusting my tie. I couldn't stop smiling as happiness swirled through me at the thought of what was going to happen not too long from now.

When my mother had told me to propose to Victoria, I had thought that she was crazy. I didn't think it would work. But seeing the way Victoria had reacted when I told her that I didn't send her the card, gave me some hope. Even if she thought that it was from someone else.

Once I was finished, I walked over to my night stand and picked up my car keys along with my phone. I walked to my car and got in, making my way to the ring store. I had already been there to order the ring a week before and they had told me to pick it up today. I couldn't wait to have it in my hands─better yet─on Victoria's finger.

I drove quickly to the store, unable to hold in my excitement. Today was finally the day for me to propose to her, after waiting all those weeks. I felt the smile still on my face as I walked inside.

"Mike," I heard the store owner call me. I walked towards him where he stood behind a glass counter of rings, smiling brightly.

"Is it ready?" I asked him, feeling slightly nervous for the first time. But that feeling immediately disappeared when he reached behind him and returned with a red velvet box. I released a sigh of relief when he opened it to reveal the same ring I had chosen a week before. Inside the box, lay the silver ring with a large diamond in the middle surrounded by smaller diamonds on each side to form the top half of the ring.

"She's going to love it," I heard him say, causing me to drag my eyes from the shining ring to smile at him as I nodded.

He handed me the ring and after thanking him, I left the store. My smile remained on my face as I got into my car, checking the time to see that I had forty minutes left to get there. That was more than enough time.

As I was pulling out of the parking lot, I heard the sound of my phone vibrating from a call. I momentarily removed my eyes from the road to answer it and put it on speaker.

"Mom?" I asked, after seeing the caller ID.

"How's it going?" she asked, her tone lined with excitement. And I thought I was the excited one.

"Great. I got the ring and now I'm about to pick up some flowers then head to the restaurant."

"You know where to go right?" she asked, causing me to chuckle slightly.

"Of course I do. You've told me the story about Alex's proposal so many times that I couldn't possibly forget." I  felt my lips curve in a smirk as I imagined proposing to her. It was going to be perfect.

"Okay that's good. What time do you think you'll be done? I want to come and congratulate you."

"Around nine probably. It won't take too long." I came to a stop in front of a flower shop and after we had said our goodbyes, I left the car.

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