Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Dedicated to michaelmurphy08 for commenting. I hope you're still enjoying this story :)


Thank you very much for choosing to come back for another chapter! I really appreciate it :) Like I said in the last chapter, this story will be ending soon. I hope you've enjoyed it so far and will continue to do so until the end!


Jeff- Alex and Mike's dad

Marian- their mom

Happy Reading,



I sat beside my mom and dad, facing Alex, Mike and their parents in my parents' living room. Three days had passed since my mom told me that she was calling them. And in those three days, I had tried my best to prepare for what was to come. But as I sat before everyone, I was on edge. I didn't know what to expect from this conversation.

In those three days, Mike had constantly texted me, telling me how he felt about me and how he would feel if we were together. But I couldn't grant him that wish, my main concern was Alex.

Now, silence enveloped all of us as we continued to look around the room, none of us with the intention of beginning the conversation. The sound of Jeff clearing his throat caused all of us to look at him.

"So why did you call all of us here?"

My mom sighed and looked at me before looking back at him.

"We all need to discuss what happened between Victoria and Alex and see how we can move forward. I don't thi-"

"There's nothing to discuss. Victoria and Alex are over, she's with Mike now," Marian said, looking like she was the only smart person in the room; the only person who knew what was really going on.

"She's what?" my dad asked, looking as if someone had just slapped him in the face. I looked at Marian and frowned, earning a victorious smirk from her.

"I'm not with Mike," I said, looking at him instead of my dad. His head fell, along with his shoulders, in defeat. The sound of Marian laughing caused all of us to look at her, preparing ourselves for what she would say next.

"What's so funny?" my mom asked. She looked at me with a determined look as she answered her question.

"The fact that she's denying it."

"I'm not denying anything Marian, I'm telling the truth." I could feel my anger beginning to rise as I looked at her smug expression.

"The truth? Explain to me how that's the truth Victoria, because from what I've heard you two were definitely together yesterday."

"You told her?" I asked Mike, flabbergasted.

"I swear I didn't tell her anything, I don't know how she knows," he said, panicking.

"Wait what are you talking about?" My dad's question could be barely heard as Marian continued talking.

"Nobody had to tell me, I was there; I saw you together at the wedding."

My mouth, along with Mike's, dropped. I didn't know how he was feeling, but I was definitely trying to recover after panicking.

"If you're not together, then I don't know what it is you two have going on. Because the way I saw you looking at each other suggested that you were."

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