Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to Someone Special

Chapter 13


Thank you very much for taking the time to read this story. I know I thank you in every chapter but that's because I really want to show how appreciative I am of you giving it a chance. Now you may or may not know this, but this story has almost reached 300 reads! That wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for you :) And so, to celebrate this milestone, I've made this chapter 3,000 words long (approximately). I hope you'll enjoy this chapter because it's kinda like a flashback but at the same time you get to see what really happened between Alex and Amanda and what he thought about everything.

Also, this chapter is dedicated to someone special (you know who you are ;]) for being my inspiration to write this story; without you, Alex and Mike would never exist.

Happy Reading,



~•★Alex's Point of View★•~

Feeling the brightness of the sun behind my eyelids, I opened my eyes to a brightly lit room. I turned my head to my right to find my beautiful wife waking up, blinking her eyes several times to adjust to the light. I smiled at her and wrapped my arms around her waist, earning a smile from her. 

"Morning babe," her melodious voice filled the room. 

"Morning," I replied, before connecting my lips with hers. The sweet taste of her lips filled my senses, causing me to deepen the kiss to get more of her. A moan escaped my lips as I felt her legs entangle mine. I rolled us over, landing on top with my hands on both sides of her head and leaned down for another kiss. No matter how many times I kissed this woman, I knew that I would never get tired of the feeling I always got when we parted.

The sound of our heavy breathing filled the air as I looked down, admiring her. "My shirt looks great on you but," I looked at the ceiling and stroked my invisible beard as if I was thinking about something deeply, "I like it better when it's─"

The doorbell rang and caused me to cut my sentence short. I was about to get off of her when I felt her arms wrap around my neck, pulling me towards her, and connecting our lips. I desperately wanted to continue to kiss her but the bell rang again.

"Can you get it?" I asked, peppering kisses along her jaw line. Even though I asked her that, I wanted nothing more than for her to stay in bed with me.

"No you go. It's probably George wanting to borrow something," she said. Her eyes shone with defiance as she tried to avoid getting up.

"Fine," I groaned, pecking her lips softly, before dragging myself out of the bed. I walked down the stairs quickly as the bell rang repeatedly. If it was our neighbour George, then whatever he needed to borrow must have been important.

I swung open the door and instantly regretted not wearing a shirt.

"Sup bro?" My younger brother Mike asked, or rather stated, as he entered the house uninvited. Walking in behind him was his girlfriend Amanda. I noticed her eyes glued onto my chest and tried to cover it with my arms. A small smile spread over her lips before she looked up to my eyes and said "Good morning." 

I heard footsteps as Victoria made her way downstairs. I really hoped she had put on something decent, I didn't like the thought of my brother having his eyes on my woman.

"Babe─" She immediately stopped what she was going to say and Amanda walked to the stairway.

"Victoria!" she sang, as if she had just seen a long lost friend.

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