Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Dedicated to Faridsgh for adding this story to his reading list! I hope you'll enjoy it when you start to read it :) 


First things first, this story has 1,000 reads! Oh my goodness, I never thought that would happen. Thank you very much for making that possible! I hope you're enjoying the story so far and will continue to do so with the upcoming chapters :)

Also, I made a new cover for this story. But the problem is, I also like the current cover very much too. So I decided to ask you the reader to decide which one I should use :) I tried to put the picture on the side but I'm not sure if you'll be able to see it so I've put it as a comment on this chapter and you can also go to my profile where you'll find the link in my description box (click that and you'll be able to see it ^^). Please let me know which cover you think I should use.

Thanks again and happy reading,



"Why should I?" Mike asked, reluctantly turning around to face me as the rain suddenly stopped.

"Because..." I struggled to find words to say. He was putting me on the spot and I had no response for him. As he detected that, the sound of my phone ripped through the air. I quickly took it out and answered it, mentally sighing in relief.

"Victoria, did you find him?" Marian asked worriedly.

For the first time since I had come to know her, I was glad she was talking to me. I replied and told her where we were. As I was telling her, Mike's face contorted into anger.

"Why did you tell her where we are?" he asked as I put my phone back in my pocket.

"I'm not going to let you do this Mike. I thought that maybe if she came, you'd change your mind about jumping." He remained angry as he took small steps forward, attempting to let out his frustration. He swiped his hand across his face and looked at me.

"Are you not listening to me Victoria? There's nothing left for me in this world. The only thing that would change my mind is if you told me how you feel about me," he yelled. I took a few deep breaths trying to subside my frustration.

"Mike stop. Just listening to yourself. How can you say that about yourself? None of that is true."

"Victoria, please don't ignore my question. Tell. Me. How. You. Feel." With every word he spoke, he took a step forward until he was standing close to me once again.

I looked down, trying to come up with an answer again. How did you tell someone how you felt about them when you didn't know exactly how you felt?

I felt warmth on my chin as he placed a hand under it and lifted my head up, forcing me to look at him.

"Victoria, answer the question."

My heart clenched at the desperation that radiated off of his face, guilt penetrating deeply. I didn't like being the reason behind his unhappiness but I really didn't know how to answer him.

When Alex had told me that the love which I felt for him wasn't the romantic type, I couldn't believe it. But now as I stood before Mike, I was beginning to understand that he may have been right. However, I wasn't completely sure if I had indeed started to develop feelings for Mike.

I moved my head from his hand and looked down, feeling sad that I couldn't answer his question.

"I don't know Mike. I really don't."

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