Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Dedicated to marcusmagbalana for voting for this story! I hope you're enjoying it so far :)


Thank you very much for checking out another chapter of One True Love! I really hope you're enjoying this story and will continue to do so :) With this chapter we're back to Victoria's point of view.

I'm sad to say this, but it seems we are coming to the end of this story very soon. There are at least two chapters left after this one, before an epilogue (still deciding whether or not I will write one). But anyways, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter!

Happy Reading,



I walked towards the exit of the reception hall until I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around and saw Mike looking at me surprised.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Home." I gently removed my wrist from his hand and walked outside, pulling out my phone from my clutch and calling for a cab. I walked closer to the entrance of the parking lot to wait there. Moments later, the sound of heels pounding against the concrete caused me to turn around, coming face to face with Amanda.

She looked very beautiful with her hair pulled to one side over a single sleeved red mermaid dress. It made me wonder why Alex was not doing anything with her instead of being alone.

"Leaving so soon?" she asked. I mentally groaned; she was the last person I wanted to see after hearing what happened between her and Alex.

"Yeah, I'm starting to feel tired," I lied effortlessly. She didn't look convinced but she nodded her head anyway.

"I saw you talking to Alex but I thought you came with Mike. Are you two together now?" With every word that left her mouth, the feeling to physically hurt her grew inside of me as I remembered what Alex told me. But I surpressed it, not wanting to draw any attention away from the celebration.

"No, we came as friends. Did you come with someone?" Her lips turned into a smirk as she nodded again.

"Yeah I came with Alex. We were having such a great time on the dancefloor before he went for a drink and never came back." I mentally rolled my eyes as I heard the cab arrive. I opened the door and turned to look at her, a small smile gracing my lips.

"That sounds good. Well I hope you'll both continue to enjoy the night. Bye." I didn't wait for her to reply before I got in and told the driver my parent's address. I had a feeling things were not going to end well if I stayed.

The drive home was quiet and smooth until we reached a traffic light and the car beside us honked. The driver opened the front passenger window and a few words were exchanged between the two drivers before he opened my window. It was Mike. I immediately closed my window.

"Victoria please don't leave," I heard him say, looking at me through my closed window. Hesitantly, I opened my window and looked at him.

"I have a lot of things on my mind right now, so please leave me alone," I said, looking away from him.

"No. After all this, the last thing you need is to be alone. Can't you already see what he has done to you?"

"What about what you've done to me?" I yelled, feeling angry tears at the edge of my eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I ignored his question and asked the cab driver to continue driving when the light turned green, hoping that he would stop following us.

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