Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Dedicated to jhonnyreycabansag for voting for this story! I hope you're enjoying it so far :)


Thank you very much for making it to chapter 22! I really hope you've been enjoying the story so far. But if not, then I hope you'll start enjoying it soon :)

Now this chapter is in Mike's point of view so we'll get to see how he's reacting to what Victoria told Alex at the end of chapter 21 (if you don't remember what happened, feel free to go back to it). So hopefully you'll enjoy his point of view for a change, and get to know what he's thinking.

Last thing, I put a picture of the two covers on the side (above the chapter if you're on the app). Hopefully you can see it. So what I want you to do is choose one (the one on the left is #1 and the right one is #2).

Happy Reading,



~•★Mike's Point of View★•~

I want you.

I want you.

Victoria's voice, as she had said those words to Alex, echoed in my mind as I angrily drove home.

How could she not see how much I care for her?

How much I love her?

And how much I want to be with her?

Why did she insist on being with my brother? What was so good about him?

What did he have that I didn't have?

Why couldn't she just see that I was perfect for her?!

I couldn't control my anger as I pressed the accelerator harder, hitting the steering wheel in frustration. When my mother had told me about the plan, she had made it seem so easy, so possible. But just when I thought things were going well, they just had to get worse.

I was about to enter my driveway, when I felt my phone vibrate repeatedly. I quickly parked and looked at who had called, hoping that maybe it was Victoria who had changed her mind.

But to my disappointment, it was my mother. I called her back when it stopped ringing, wanting to let her know exactly how I was feeling at the moment.

"What do you want?" I bellowed into the mic.

"Is everything alright sweetie?" she asked innocently.

"Don't act naïve with me mom. What do you want?"

I could feel my anger rising as I got closer to hanging up the phone on her. But her next words had me starting up the car again.

"We need to talk."

She was definitely right about that; we had many things to talk about. Particularly, her failure of a plan which I blindly decided to follow.

I immediately backed out and started to drive towards my parents' house, all the while trying to figure out exactly what I could say to her which would show my true feelings.

Within moments, I arrived and parked behind my father's car. As I got out, I heard the front door open, followed by footsteps a few seconds later.

"My baby," she said, walking to me and trying to wrap her arms around me in a hug like she usually did. But today, I wasn't in the mood for it and I showed that to her by gently moving away from her.

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