Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Dedicated to AprilAnnDanao for adding this story to her reading list. I hope you'll enjoy it when you start :)


Thank you very much for getting this far with my story, I really really appreciate it. Also, we've passed 600 reads! Wow that's amazing! I could never thank you enough for helping me to get that many views but I'll try by doing my best with the remaining chapters :)

If you remember my previous author's notes, you'll remember that I said this story will be ending soon. Well it's not going to be too soon. We definitely have a quite a ways to go so you can ignore that I said that (please >_

Happy Reading,



"Alex!" I called after him as he walked away, feeling warmth on my lips from the kiss as the rain continued to pelt my skin. He turned around reluctantly and I ran towards him, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug when I was close enough. When I pulled away and looked at him, surprise was coating his face.

"I want to be with you Alex, I love you."

A small smile appeared on his lips and before I knew it, it disappeared; almost as if it wasn't there to begin with.

"I heard you before Victoria," he sighed deeply and placed his hands on my shoulders, "you have no idea how happy I am to hear those words from you. I just," he shook his head before continuing, "I'm sorry Victoria but we can't be together." 

Immediately, my eyes began to sting as tears pooled around them. I shook my head repeatedly, not wanting to believe what he was saying.

"How can you say that?" I spoke what was on my mind, taken aback. He sighed again before removing his hands.

"We just weren't meant to be, I guess. Everyone was better off when we were apart, even you."

How could he say that?

"Are you saying you were better off without me? Because if you don't remember, you almost ended your life Alex!" I could feel anger starting to build up.

"You don't need to remind me of that; I know what I did. But I'm sorry Victoria, I can't do this right now." He turned around and started to walk away again.

"There you go again. What exactly can't you do?!" I yelled after him, hoping that he would turn around so that I could get an answer. But he ignored my question and continued walking. 

"You just told me that you're not giving up on me," I croaked, feeling the tears beginning to spill.

He turned around, his face dark.

"I'm not giving up on you Victoria. I love you and I always will but I think it's best if we end our relationship permanently." He didn't wait for me to respond before turning around again and continuing to walk away again. But I wasn't finished with this conversation.

"You can't do that Alex!" I yelled after him, causing him to turn to face me for the third time.

"Yes I can. Besides it's obvious that your heart already belongs to someone else." As he said that, his mouth dropped in a small frown.

"I said I love you. And I meant it."

"I'm sure you did, but love comes in different forms you know. And I know that the love you were talking about is not the kind that would keep our relationship going."

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