Chapter 1 - The travel

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"Get your fucking ass up Cel, would you!" Mary rolled her eyes at me as I yelled at Michael's little sister, and I saw her exchange an annoyed look with another addition to our team, Nessa. "Ems, you need to calm down." "I will calm down once we have all our luggage in the car. No scratch that, once we are on the plane." With a sigh I lifted yet another heavy bag into the trunk of my car. "I can't believe we have so much stuff. It's only three weeks."
"Need a hand girls?" Mary jumped out of the car and ran back to our front door, throwing her arms around our brothers neck. "Jack! I didn't know you'd be home?" Slowly walking over to him, I hugged him and looked up at his face that was so eerily similar to my twin brother's. "Well I usually wouldn't be home. But since I am here now and mum's crying like a baby, I thought I'd help out." "Thanks, Jackaboy."

Soon everything was packed, and time came to say goodbye. Our mom pressed both me and Mary to her chest, some tears running down her cheeks. "Mumma, don't cry. We'll be back soon." Mary mumbled, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "I know, I know." "She's just sad cause the house is gonna be empty with you two gone." "Dad, you're here." I grinned and let him pull me in, arms wrapped around his middle. "I'm gonna miss you guys as well, though." "Tell Luke we miss him!" Liz exclaimed and hugged us once again, then finally pushing us out the door. "We will!" I heard my sister say, then turned around and saw her jogging towards me and the car.

"Ready steady go?" I asked and looked into the rear view mirror, my eyes meeting Celina's and Nessa's. "All ready to go." My best friend said, and while Mary started the car, I looked outside to see Liz, Andy and Jack waving us goodbye.
"I forgot airports can be that crowded." Celina mumbled. Mary and I shared a knowing gaze and I heard her giggle a little. We knew all to well. It was the first time the four of us flew out together to meet the boys, but her and I had been visiting them quite a few times now. "Okay, let's check again. You all got your IDs and passports?" Three heads nodded. "Good, I've got the tickets. Don't forget, only Luke knows we're coming to visit them, don't spoil it." "Wait." My sister turned to face me, her black hair in a messy bun on her head, her brown eyes looking at me surprised. "Cal doesn't know?" "And neither do Michael or Ashton. It's a surprise because Ash, Lucas and me have our birthdays soon. Mary, seriously? How could you forget?" She shrugged, a nervous smile on her lips. "I don't know, sorry. I'm just so excited to see Calum." I patted her cheek and giggled. "I know! And I'm nervous to see Mikey." "So am I! I mean, how long has it been since I've last seen them? Four months?" "That's way too long." Mary exclaimed and I looked over to Nessa, her head leaning against one of the huge windows that kept the waiting area flooded with sunshine.
Pulling her aside a little, I pushed some hair out of her face so I could look into her blue eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?" "Nothing." "Nothing my ass, I know you too well, Missus." Biting her lower lip, she let out a sigh. "It's just ... You guys are all so happy to see your brothers or boyfriends and I don't even know if Niall is going to be there. Luke said he thinks so, but you know him." "Oh baby." I pulled her in for a moment and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm pretty sure he will be there. I mean, they're playing Hershey park, and the boys are some of his best friends. Why would he miss their birthdays?" She shrugged a little and as she was about to answer, we got a call to get in line for our flight from Sydney to L.A., and nervously we all gathered our things.
"Seats 1 to 10 please." The flight attendant called out and I stepped forward, Mary looking at me confused. "That's first class." "Surprise." With a mumble, I looked at the three of them. "Dude how much money did you spent on these tickets?!" "Enough." I sighed and handed our tickets to the flight attendant. "Two grown ups, two kids? Are you the legal caretaker?" I scoffed at her raised eyebrow. "They have a permission to travel with us sweetheart. Thank you. Have a nice day." Just walking past her, I ignored her gaze and muffled chatter.
Truth was, I didn't pay the tickets all on my own. Our parents, Jack and even Luke had paid a part, just so this time we could have a nice flight that wouldn't take multiple days.

We soon found our seats, the first four in the front row, and after we settled down, I looked over at my three closest friends. "Ladies, let's get this party started."

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