Chapter 18 - Heaven and Hell

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*BRY - Fall In Place*

With clenched teeth, I turn my music louder as Mary and Calum overpower it. They roam around the garden, my best friend giving my sister a piggyback ride. I loved both of them, and I was happy to see them together, but as I watched them, I only missed Michael more. Putting away the book I'd tried to read, I pop my head out the door. "Hey you two. I'm gonna go see Mike. Keep an eye on Luke? He's still supposed to rest." "Will do." Mary jumps off Calum's back to hug me, kissing my cheek. "Tell Michael we said hi! Oh also, we wanted to make Tacos tonight, so we'll have dinner ready when you come home." "Thanks. You're the best."

In the past weeks, I'd memorised the drive to the Good Samaritan Hospital and the corridors and stairs I had to take to get to Mikey thoroughly.
Most of the flowers in his room had only be a onetime gift, whilst only a few people came back regularly to bring new ones. I'd made it my task to throw those out that started to wilt, as I only wanted the freshest and most beautiful ones in the room.

"Hey baby, I've missed you." With a small smile on my lips I leaned down to kiss his lips, then I carefully climbed onto the bed next to him and cuddled into his side, holding his hand in mine. They'd taken him off the respiratory support a few days back, and along with all his bruises and cuts nearly healed, they told me he could wake up every day from now. I told him everything that happened, having hope that he'd actually hear it.
"Ashton and I went to the movies with Jack and Alex last night, it was hilarious. Oh hey by the way, there's a blink-182 mini show in a few weeks and Jack said we should come." Looking at my hand that was still stuck in a cast, I grimaced and then laughed. "My hand will be fine by then as well. I broke it back in August when I punched a girl down at the pier. I didn't get it checked out until two days later because I thought I'd just sprained it, but Calum made me go. Turns out I broke three fingers and two bones in my hand. I'm a genius." I felt him shift a little next to me, then pushing my hand a little that still held his. "Mike?" Immediately propping myself up on my elbow so I could see his face, I pushed some of his faded red hair back, caressing his cheek. "Mikey, hey, I'm here. It's Emilia, I'm here." His eyelids fluttered, then he slowly opened them while a smile spread on his chapped lips. "You didn't think I'd forgot you, did you?" "Shut up you idiot." Tears rose in my eyes as I gently moved in so we could share a kiss. "Fuck, I was so scared Mike." "What happened? The last thing I remember is being in the car with Luke and Niall." "You got in a car crash. They were okay, recovering quickly, but you got lodged between the cars. This asshole slammed into the passengers side, so he nearly directly hit you." Reaching up, Michael wiped away some tears. "I'm sorry." His voice was a whisper, but I shook my head. "No, it wasn't your fault."

The door to his room is opened and as I look up, I see nurse Garzía walking up to me, a smile on her lips. "Emilia, I've got great news. Come in to the room, I want you both to listen."
When I head back in, Michael is sitting already, looking better than just two hours ago. Sitting next to him on the bed, the two of us look at Melanie with excitement. "So. Generally we can't let you go home for a few more days Michael. Now here's to awesome part: we checked you through, and you're as good as new. Everything is stabilised and those broken bones can heal even better at home with a loved one around." She gifts me a bright smile, and when I finally understand that what she was saying meant that I could take him home today, I pull her in for a tight hug. "Thank you Melanie."

"You sure you know how to unfold the wheelchair?" "Yes I'm sure." Nothing could drag me down as I pull into our driveway. "Mel showed me like a million times. Just give me a few minutes." Closing my door I walk around and pull the folded up chair out from the trunk, and as I'd told Michael, it only takes me a few moments to set it up and roll it forward to Michaels door so he can sit down in it. "There you go, your royal highness. Your throne." "My throne is something completely else." He smirks at me and without having him tell me, I had an idea what he was referring to.
It's relatively easy to get Michael in, and after locking the car up, I push him towards the front door but before I can reach for my keys, it's vigorously ripped open and Calum stares at us. "Mike!" "Hey buddy. Didn't think you'd see me this quickly, did ya?" "Shut up man. Come in you two."

Mike is back home !!! YAY!
I have a super cute idea for the next part or the one after that, so stay tuned :)
- Em x

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