Chapter 28 - Remedy

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6 hours had passed. I hated Michael for forcing me to feel like this. I loved Michael.
Looking back at Ben passed out on my bed after holding me for hours, I write a quick note. I needed some air, don't worry. I'll be home soon. I love you. Grabbing my keys and phone, I quietly close the door. I didn't know where I wanted to go; I just needed to free my mind. I needed to try and somehow make this easier for both of us.

It was barely 5am, but he picked up almost immediately, his voice weak. "Emilia?" "Hi Michael." I was whispering his name, afraid to drown in the storm that dwelled up in my eyes. "Mike, can we talk? I need to see you; I need to sort this out. I can't live like this." "Of course, yes. Send me your address, I'll come over." "I- I'm not home right now. I needed some fresh air." Choking on my tears, I barely get my words out. "I don't know what to do anymore." "Emilia, stay where you are. I will come and get you, okay? Where are you? I need you tell me." "I'm not sure, I just walked. Somewhere around Kissena Park. I have no idea." "Okay, it's okay. Wait for me, I'm close. Stay on the phone, you hear me?" "Yeah." Choking on my tears, I just lean my back against the tall fence and close my eyes.
A few minutes pass, he doesn't talk much while he's driving. Once I see him park and get out of his car, I hang up and run up to him. His arms feel like home, formed to fit my body perfectly. It's like we had never been apart. "God babygirl I've missed you so much. It hurt so bad." "I know baby, and I'm sorry. For the way things went." Moving back a little, I reach up to push some of his messy hair back. He was my everything. "I tried so hard, but I can't be without you Mike. Every fucking thing is impossible without you, I can't breathe, I can't be happy. I need you." "And I need you. I know I screwed up." A bittersweet smile curls up my lips. "Let's get somewhere a little more private. I promise I will listen, and I'll stay calm."

Unlocking the door to his apartment, I bit my lip. He'd bought it to surprise me, yet he had never been able to. Now it was mostly unused, and it still carried that 'new' smell.
Stripping from my cold clothes until I am in my underwear, I grab one of Michael's shirts like I'd always done it. He smiles weakly, barely touching my skin as he reaches for me. "You still look as good as ever wearing my shirts baby." Leaning against the headboard of his bed, he pulls the blankets up as I settle down next to him. "I need you to promise that you won't get mad, that you'll let me talk." "I promise." Grabbing his hand, I look up at him.
"You. Always the only thing oh my mind. I'm sorry, I am so fucking sorry. The way I acted, the things I said - I'm so sorry baby. With everything happening I was scared and I felt alone, and I pushed everyone away that wanted to help me. I never meant to hurt you, never meant to be like this. To ... abuse you." Michael's voice breaks as he whispers the words that still scared himself, his eyes full of tears as he tries to withhold my gaze. "I wish I could turn back time and make sure I never do those things, I just - I am so sorry. When you left, everything was pain. I missed you, god I felt so alone, I thought I was gonna die. I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't eat, nothing felt right." The tears that filled his eyes now run down his cheeks, his words broken up by hard sobs that shake his body. "Michael-" "It hurt so bad, but I knew it was my fault, and, and-" I don't say a thing as I pull him in, my arms wrapping around his neck, softly rubbing his back.
And then he finally cracks, falling forward and burying his face at my chest. He cries countless tears, draining all the pain in his heart until he eventually falls asleep from exhaustion. Arms still wrapped around my neck he breathes heavily, but this is the first sleep without a nightmare.

Calum's POV
The sun just rising behind our blinds, I lay there sleepless. I'd woken up when I heard Michael crying, but I'd slept awful anyways. I didn't know what it was about New York, but something made me feel uneasy.
Throwing on some random shirt I tiptoe over to my best friends bedroom door, and quietly open it. They seem so peaceful, Michael holding her tight, her legs tangled up with his. "Hey." "I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up." She chuckles lightly. "I haven't slept yet." Seconds pass where neither of us speak, then we both start at the same time. "Cal-" "Do you think you'd be happier if you'd be with him again?" Emilia takes a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment before she shrugs. "I don't know. My life is so fragile, and I have no idea what's going to happen if I go back to LA." Taking a seat on the edge of their bed, I watch her squirm under my intense stare. "That's not what I asked. Just tell me if you think you'd be happier again." "Yes, I do think so. Michael, he- he's all I need." "Are you sure?" She seems more vulnerable than usually, her big eyes scared as she tries to find my intention in my eyes. "I mean, I hope so." "Emilia. Sure or not." She swallows hard, Michael senses her uneasiness and pulls her closer, mumbling something in his sleep. "Yes. I am sure that I'd be happier with him, Calum." Finally I smile at her, and I see the immediate relief in her face. "That's all I wanted to hear. I'll leave you guys alone, but come talk to me before you leave, okay?" She nods, thankfully beaming at me. "I will Calum, promise."

Eeeeek. Everyone's favourite couple is back ! Or are they? Leave a comment and tell me what you think!
- e x

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