Chapter 27 - Embrace the world in grey

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The night sky was clear, and I smiled as I gazed at the millions of stars. It was a warm June night and I enjoyed the soft breeze that ghosted over my bare back and arms.
"I didn't know you were in New York." Closing my eyes, I tried to hold my emotions back. This was my night. Not his to turn me into a crying mess. "Seems like the postcard holding my new address and key got lost. What a shame." Turning around to look at him, I sigh. "What are you doing here Michael?" "We were invited." I shot him an unnerved look. "You know what I'm talking about." He crosses his arms. "Why did you run away?" "Because I didn't want to stay in LA with the dead carcass of what used to be my life." "Harsh words." "True words." I snap at him, suddenly shivering in the fresh air. "Same question: why did you run away?" A few long seconds pass, I keep studying his face, trying to find signs that he finally understood. He didn't. "I was serious Michael. I had my whole life mapped out. I knew I wanted to marry you, I knew how the wedding was supposed to be. The cake. My dress. The venue. I already had ideas for the names of our kids. And you crashed it. I wasn't going to stay in a city that held the crushed pieces of my life." Not wanting to hear an answer I turn back around to the large glass door that led back inside, leaving him standing.

"Did the fresh air help with the headache?" I sigh as I shake my head, leaning in so he can understand me over the loud music. "Michael followed me outside." Anger distorted his face, fists clenched. "Where is he? He needs to learn his place." "Benny." Laying my hands on his shoulders, I look into his whiskey coloured eyes. "It's okay. Just stay here with me. I don't want to be alone tonight. Drink with me." Checking my face to look for a non existent lie, he finally nods.

Countless drinks and long hours later, the tension had eased up. I was relaxed, laughing along to the stupid jokes the boys made. Benny was always by my side, making sure there was no second where I would be alone. As he left for the toilet, he send Calum over to me. They seemed to get along great, and I was happy that I'd gotten the chance to introduce them.
"Heya Emson." "Hi Calpal. Ben sent you over for babysitter duty?" "He doesn't want you to be alone, don't be so hard on him." I sigh as I lean my head against his shoulder, thankfully enjoying my best friends company. "I know I know, I'm sorry. I'm happy he's here." "You and Ben, something going on there?" With a dry chuckle I lift my head again. "No. He's great and I love him a lot, but I just- I can't." "Love someone else the way you love Mike?" Not answering his question, I bite my lip and look to the floor. "Ems. I know you still love him. You can admit it." "Okay." My voice cracks as I look up at Calum. "I love him, I still do. I will probably always love him. It's so hard to be without him, and it constantly hurts. I try so hard to be happy, and Fall In Place helped a lot, Benny did as well, but it still hurts like hell. There's this giant hole in my chest, and I, I don't know how to fix that." Clearing bis throat my best friend looks up to someone behind me, and I know who it is without having to turn around. "Kitten-" His hand landing on my shoulder, I jump up and spin around. "Don't you dare call me that, Clifford. Kitten is gone. You don't get to call me anything." Panic written in his eyes, he tries to reach out for me. "Baby, please I'm so sorry-" Once he touches my bare arm, I yelp and back up. "Emilia, I promise I promise I'm sorry, please just-" "Don't you dare touch me again Michael. Just go, leave me alone." He moves in again, Calum stepping in. "Leave it, Michael." Suddenly Benny is there and without a doubt I grab his hand and crash into his side. His head snaps up and he looks at Michael, cold anger in his usually warm eyes. "She told you to stay away, is that so hard to understand? This is your last warning. Come close to her again, and I'll kill you."

Michael's POV
My heartbeat races as I see her hold on to that Ben guy, eyes big in fear and her whole body shaking like a leaf. I don't pay any attention to her protector, my eyes are on Emilia only. This couldn't be the end, we couldn't stop here. I needed her. She was my one true love. "Emilia-" Calum stops me from walking further as he steps in front of me, calmly laying his hand on my chest. "Mikey, stop it. Let's just leave, come on." "If I leave now, it's all over. That's the end. I can't let that happen. I can't lose her." My voice doesn't sound like my own, it's thin and high pitched. Calum's face moves in front of the picture of Emilia crying in Ben's arms, but I know that it'll haunt me forever. "You've already lost her, buddy. Don't make it worse than it is, please."

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