Chapter 19 - Heights

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*Broods - Couldn't Believe*

Stopping in the doorway to the kitchen, we watch Mary for a moment as she's bury hurrying around the kitchen to make dinner. "Cal, who was at the -" She freezes in her tracks as she spots the three of us, and with a squeal my sister sprints up to Michael to hug him. "It's so good to have you back Mike. It wasn't possible to be around your girlfriend without having her want to slice your face off." He chuckles as he looks up at me. "I'm sure it wasn't that bad." "It was. At times, I thought she'd punch me in the face because I talked about you." We look up to see Celina sitting on the staircase, a grin lighting up her whole face. "Mikey, you're home." "I indeed am, sweetpea. Come on, let me give you a hug." It doesn't take anything else to have his little sister fling onto his lap and wrap her arms around his neck. "I am so fucking glad you're okay." "Language Missus." Mary notes, then shakes her head while she's already back to making dinner.
"Can I help you?" I step next to her and catch a glimpse on a bunch of pots with whatever in it, but it looked and smelled delicious. "Yes sure. You can whip up some guacamole, then we're done. I made a meat filling for you guys, the rest is vegan." "No doubt I'll try the vegan stuff first, it looks amazing."

Everyone settled around the dining table, I lean back and look around my extended family. Ashton and Josie were here, Luke and Vani, Niall and Nessa, Celina, Mary and Calum, and most important Michael right next to me.
Michaels hand on my thigh pulls me back from my daydream. "You okay?" "Yeah, yeah. I'm happy actually." Sharing a sweet kiss, I lean into his side before concentrating on dinner again. "We visited you like every day." "Seriously?" Celina nods, chewing her taco. "Yup. Well Ems came in every day and I came every one or two days." "Yeah, I think I remember your voices one time. There's just all these random memories that I can't really put in order." "Tell us, we'll help." I smile thankfully at Mike's little sister and mouth a silent "Thank you." at her.
"Okay, well the last thing I actually fully remember is being in the car with Niall and Luke, then it all went dark. Then there were cold hands on my cheeks, pushing my hair back and someone repeating my name." I clear my throat as everyone looks at me. "That was me." "Cold hands as usual." He grins at me, then continues. "Uh, various people talking to me. Emilia's hands on my mine and on my cheeks and neck so often. Celina telling me something about mom and dad. And they were here I think, mom, dad, Liz and Andy." "They flew in once they heard what happened mate." Luke says. I'm thankful for everyone chiming in and filling Michael in on what happened, while I can enjoy the company of all of my friends, and that I had Michael back.

"Funniest story I've ever read. Ready?" Calum looks around the table to get everyone's agreement. We'd finished dinner a while ago and just lounged around the table, telling each other stories for laughter.
"Okay so Emilia you've got to back me up if I forget things. Now, everyone has seen that her hand is in a cast and you all heard that she punched a girl so hard she broke her hand. Now the best thing is what the media makes out of it. If we want to believe The Sun, then she got in a fight with a fan despite that one fan just 'nicely asking for a picture'. Another story goes that you got in a gang fight over drugs and the fan wanting to help you." Everyone bursts into laughter, Michael as well, but I could tell that he wasn't convinced about Calum's short summary of what really happened. Still he played along. "Can't believe that I'm not here to look after you, and you get into a fight babe." I shrug and grin. "My temper got the best of me I guess." With an uncomfortable chuckle I look down at my hands, then sigh as I get up. "I'm gonna head to bed, it's been a long day."


I know this is super short, sorry. More to come today or tomorrow :)
- ems 

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