Chapter 4 - For old times sake

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"That was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life." I chuckled and looked up at Calum as he hugged me tightly. "Don't you think that was when we had our first gig and you cheered so hard your pants ripped?" His deep voice was laced with humour, and it felt good to have my best friend back after all this time. "No, cause there was this super nice guy that gave me his flannel to tie around my waist, so no one noticed." He leaned his black curly haired head back and fanned some air into his face, until I hit his shoulder. "Okay, we all know it was you, once again Cal - thank you."
Just like Mary and Michael, Cal and I had been best friends for as long as I could think, and basically shared and talked about everything. Before I'd gotten together with Michael, Mary had sometimes been jealous. She'd fallen for Cal around a year back, but thought he wouldn't like her as much as she did like him. Needless to say, I knew that my best friend had fallen for my sister as well.

Flopping down onto some chairs that stood on the large patio, Calum and I both lit up a cigarette and leaned back. "How come you're flying out all the way to L.A.?" I scoffed a little. "Calum, I am shocked that you don't know. It's not like Luke and me are gonna turn 20, and Ashton's gonna turn 22. Nothing like that." "Oh." He turned to face me, eyes wide. "Oh fuck. I totally forgot. Man, you're gonna be 20. It's crazy." Nodding a little I just mumbled "Yeah" and closed my eyes for a moment.
"Hey, uh, did- did your sister come along as well?" I tried my best to not grin but I had no chance. "Why? You wanna take her out?" "If only she'd like me, then yeah I would." I stopped in motion and just looked at him, my eyebrows raised. "Calum Thomas Hood, have I taught you nothing about how to read my siblings in the past 17 years?" Before he could answer, I took a deep breath. "Cal, you should know that the human being I call my sister, Mary Rose Hemmings, l-" "What's with me?" She exclaimed, stepping onto the patio and I nearly choked on my words. "I- was going to say you like their new music." Her gaze told me that she knew that the way I acted was suspicious, but she played along. "Yeah, it's great." Then, her eyes met Calum's, and he immediately got up to wrap his muscular arms around her. "Hi." Soft smiles and long hugs were exchanged, and with a sigh I turned around to grab the water hose and cool them down a bit.
"Emilia CLAIRE WHAT THE FUCK?!" Mary screamed at me, the shock from them ice cold water written across her pretty face. Calum jumped up and down a little, but grinned. "You're just both so hot, needed to cool you down." "Well, so are you." I heard Nessa's voice behind me, then a bucket full of water was emptied over my head. I turned around to see her and Niall share the same cheeky grin. "Did you plan this?" She laughed and looked up at her boyfriend. "Niall planned it. It just fit perfectly with your attack on Mary and Cal." I shook my head and laughed, not angry at all. "Okay, well that was perfect timing."

After the three of us grabbed towels we all sat down on the patio again. I called Michael, Luke, Celina and Ashton down as well, and after a round of hugs, we began planning what we'd do tonight. Since they'd have another free day tomorrow we could go out and party, but that was always a bit risky with Nessa and Celina being underage.
"Let's just head to The Nice Guy, they'll let us know if they won't get in." Luke demanded, and I scoffed and looked over at my brother. "Luke, they won't let us in. Remember when Mary was about to turn 18 the very next day? They still wouldn't let her in." He pouted a little, and I felt sorry. "It's not like I don't want to party, but I don't think it'll be fair." He nodded, playing with his lipring.
"Okay, but what about-" "Waterpark!" Ashton shouted, his long hair jumping when his head shot up. Michaels eyes glistened, and his grip on my thigh tightened. "Ohhhhh yes please! Just like old times, back home in 'straya!" "Exactly." Ash nodded and donned a wide grin, obviously proud that we all liked his idea.

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