Chapter 22 - Or Without You

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Michael Clifford overreacting and punching a photographer. Michael's shame. Another night another lover for Clifford.
The headlines wouldn't stop. Every day for three weeks now there was a new one, a million versions of the same news article about Michael's adventures of the previous night.

"Aren't you gonna do something about it?" I looked up at Mary digging into a grilled cheese sandwich. "What do you suggest?" "Talk to him about it." I sighed, shaking my head. "Not doing anything. I tried it all. I cried, yelled, got mad. It doesn't seem to bother him." "I'm sorry Ems." My sister seemed truly sorry and worried, her big brown eyes showing compassion. "Thank you."
Her phone announcing an incoming FaceTime call shook both of us up. "It's Calum! He knew you needed him." She grinned, answering the call. "Hey ho Calpal." "Mary! Hey, I've missed you." "I've missed you too, dickhead. Hey Cal before you rush off again, it's a best friend emergency case. You've seen-" "The headlines about Michael? Yeah, I did." He took a deep breath, smiling weakly at me after Mary handed her phone to me.
"Hey sunshine." "Hey boo." A shaking laugh fell from my lips. "It's good to hear your voice." "Just call me next time, okay? I'll be there whenever I've got some time. Now, tell me exactly what's been happening."
Returning to the safety of the office where I could be alone, I told it all. How at first he just went out every two days or so but always came home before I woke up again. How he still made sure I felt loved. "Now he doesn't even seem to care when he arrives home. He hasn't been home in two days Calum. I don't know where he is, he doesn't answer my calls or texts and when he does get home, he just expects me to be there so he can fuck me, use me like a goddamn toy." Calum looked shocked, his mouth gaping open without a sound.
"Is that Ems?" I heard Luke somewhere around Calum, and my heart skipped a beat before another sharp pain shot through my chest. His dark blonde curls moved into the frame, and I showed a small smile. "My favourite twin!" "Hey Lukey." He immediately knew something was off. The last time I'd called my brother Lukey was when Michael had to stay in the hospital for weeks. "I can't wait to come home." I smiled sadly, feeling tears dwelling up. "I can't wait to have you all home again. I mean, Michael is here, but he- I'd rather not have him here." "Ems, promise me one thing?" Luke swallowed hard. "Leave him. If you can't do it anymore, go. I don't want you to stay there if it's toxic for you." "I'm sure you can stay with Liam and the boys, or Ashton and Josie. Just, as Luke said, don't stay if you can't do it. Maybe it'll make him see what an asshole he is when you leave." Of course leaving had been an idea before, Luke and Calum telling me to do so wasn't new. "I- I don't know. I think I have to leave soon. Like, now."
As if I'd called it, someone yelled my name downstairs. "Is that - Mike?" I gritted my teeth as I heard him stumbling up the stairs, calling out for me again and again. He was still drunk. Or again, what did I know. "Yeah, that's Michael. Seems like he made it home." Laughing bitterly, I leaned my head down as I waited for him to storm into the room. "Emilia!" Upon spotting me, his pale face lit up. "Baby, you're home." As he leaned in to kiss me, I backed up. "What's wrong baby? Don't you love me anymore?" "You smell like a fucking liquor store Michael." He got angry at what I said, not noticing the phone in my hand with Calum and Luke watching on. "You should love me nevertheless. I made you. I got you a job. I'm your boyfriend." "You didn't make me. You like to think so, but you know what? I'd be better off without you." Reaching out as if he'd want to slap me, he was startled by Calum speaking up. "Mike, stop." "What the fuck are you two doing talking to her?" Luke scoffed and I saw the anger rising in his face, wishing to be here and able to help me. "I'm her brother you idiot, and Calum is her best friend. She's not yours." For a Moment the boy who'd once been my world just stared at me and the two boys, then he turned around laughing. "I'm going to bed. Join me once you can, baby." And with that, he was gone.
"What a mess." Calum whispered, Luke too shocked to speak up. "Yeah." Had I been able to hold them back before, my tears now started running down my cheeks. "I don't know what's gotten into him. He's never been like that before. I mean, maybe - maybe he needs some time off the business. A vacation on a nice island. If only he'd talk to me, then I could help him. But he just doesn't, he wants me to know what he's going through, but I - I have no idea. I'm so scared. I'm afraid of him. He snapped that one night and all he did was call me names, and use me even though I didn't want to, and I felt so helpless and dirty and I didn't know what to do. I love him, but this is not the man I fell for." Hard sobs shaking my body, the door was once again opened, but this time it was Mary.
Without a word she took the phone from me and pulled me to her chest, holding my fragile body tightly. "I'm gonna take care of her, and I'll keep you two updated." I heard Luke yell in anger and something thrown around the room, Calum sighing. "Thank you, baby. I'll try to calm Luke down, I think he really wants to bash Michael's head in right now. Call me when you can?" She nodded, blowing a kiss to the screen. "Come home soon. I miss you." "I will, I promise."

"It's okay, cry it out." Cuddled into Mary's chest we laid on top of her bed, her hands steadily rubbing circles on my back. "Mary?" Lifting my head up, I looked at her with red, puffy eyes. "Would you be mad if I'm leaving? Like, I'd stay in LA, but I just don't want to stay in this house. I'll ask Ash and Josie, or Harry or Liam. Just - somewhere else." She slowly shook her head, giving me an encouraging smile. "Why would I be mad? I want you to leave, to take some time for yourself. Look Ems-" Shifting a little until she sat more comfortable, she grabbed my hands and pushed them. "I'll support you no matter what, and even though I've been loving Michael and supporting your relationship since it all started, I think you should move on. Find some peace of mind. Go on and travel wherever you want to go, I know that's been a dream of yours. I can't tell you what's gotten into Michael since he stayed home from the Europe trip. He seems like a changed man, like he doesn't want to be here. He's my friend and I care about him, but first and foremost you're my sister, and I want you to be happy." Looking at me for a moment she then proceeded to get up, pulling me up as well. "Come on, we'll pack some things and see if we can reach Harry." I nodded, trying to keep my mind focused on her but everything was a blur.
Following her to the guest room I had been staying in for a while, I watched on as she stuffed my clothes into a bag until I pulled out my phone and dialled the number I knew by heart. "Doll!" I smiled upon hearing the nickname Harry had given me upon first meeting him. "Hey Hazza. Look, I know this is super spontaneous but can I stay with you for a while? I can't really stand being at home right now, and-" "Of course you can. I'm gonna pick you up, okay?" Sighing in relief, I answered him, my voice not as strong as I wanted it to be. "Thank you Harry." "It's alright doll. I'll be there in ten."

Wow, Michael really is the biggest asshole possible right now. If you guys want to know why, keep reading ;)
And yes, I love drama.
- E xx

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