Chapter 13 - Nobody does it better

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"Turn up!" I yell over at Mary who's standing next to the stereo as we come back in, and with a grin she turns the volume up, Jason Derulo's Kiss the Sky booming through the living room. "Time for presents Ems! These are all yours." Luke grins and pulls me away from Michael towards a pile of them on the carpet.
I grab the first one, a small, fancy looking silver box. "That's mine." Celina grins as she wiggles on Harry's lap. I carefully open it and my eyes meet a delicate rosegold ring. "Oh my god, that is gorgeous!" Immediately I take it out of the box and see a small word engraved on the inside of the ring. Family. Tears fill my eyes as I pull her up and wrap my arms around her. "Thank you thank you thank you." "I'm glad you like it." She blushes, pushing some hair behind her ear. "It's so beautiful, I absolutely love it. Thank you baby."
While she settles back down, I grab the next one. "This is from Mary, Calum, Josie and Ash." "Shake it!" My sister exclaims and eagerly watches my face as I do as told. "What the-" Without further ado I open it, and stare down at a set of shiny keys. Car keys. The word Ford is finely engraved into the metal box. "What the fuck." Calum wraps his arms around me from behind, Mary taking my free hand with Ashton and Josie next to her. "I- I can't accept this. What is this. Guys." Helpless I look around between their faces. "Listen babe, we all know you've wanted a new car for years. We all know you love Mustangs. So, we pitched in and got you one." "A Ford Mustang?" My voice breaks as I swallow a lump in my throat, forcing myself to hold back tears. "Yep, the newest." Josie chirps in. "I fucking hate you cause this is the best fucking thing ever." One after another I hug them all tightly, making sure to give them all a quick kiss on the cheek.
Once everyone has settled down again, I let out a sigh, then laugh. "I don't know if I'm ready for more presents." Everyone laughs, then Michael gets up and pulls out two packages from the now smaller pile. "Open mine."
With my hands now shaking too much for me to open them myself, Michael gently takes them from me. "Number one." He mumbles, lifting the lid. Inside are two lanyards and a handwritten card. Pulling out the card I grab Michael's hand, then start reading. Michael told us you'd be squealing at this. Happy birthday, you're cool. Tyler & Josh. I look up at my boyfriend then down again, shaking my head slowly as I take out the lanyards. The Emotional Roadshow. Full Access. "Are you fucking serious?" I whisper, looking up at him again. "Happy birthday kitten." Kissing him again and again I feel tears running over my cheeks, but I let them stay. Those were happy tears. "I can't- fuck. You know me well, don't you?" "I know all about you." He grins, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "Now go on, there's one more." "I'm scared to open it." I admit, but he shakes his head. "You have to."
Holding my breath I open the box and a rain of glitter shoots out, coating the two of us. I giggle, expecting this to be it, as he pulls out something from the box then hands it to me. "Your apartment key. I have one as well. It's here in L.A., not too far from Luke." "You got us a place?" He nods, glitter falling down on me. "I can never make this up to you Mikey." "Don't have to."

A few more presents follow, then Ashton and Luke also get their turn. With every opened gift I wonder more and more, in how much debt everyone of us had gotten themselves for these. Concert tickets, a new phone for Luke, cars for me and Ashton, and countless more expensive things filled the kitchen counter.

"So." Calum says as he leans against the wall next to me. "Like your party?" Looking at our friends and family dancing, laughing and having fun, I nod. "It's absolutely wonderful. I can't believe even Liam and Harry made it. Definitely my best birthday ever." My best friend shoots me a quick gaze. "Even with everything happening with Michael?" "Yeah. I mean, him and I promised each other that we'll make it." "Glad to hear."
A new song starts and my girlfriends all run up to me, pulling me away from Calum and onto the dance floor. "Come on, dance with us!" Josie grins, swaying her hips to the Spice Girls. Closing my eyes I forget my worries, singing along to the song and dancing with all of them.

Just a few days ago I'd been stressed out by my job, constantly tired and wondering what the future might hold. Now here I was, sprawled out on the grass underneath a full moon and starry sky, my closest friends and family around me. I turn my head a little to look over at my sister cuddled into Calum. Josie's head on Ashton's chest, him talking to Luke. Harry, Celina, Niall and Nessa sitting on the patio and eating ice cream. Michael and I next to each other, legs tangled up, holding each other's hand.
Maybe I was finally gonna be happy. Maybe this time, everything would be okay.

Yay! I finished another one, hope you like it.
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Love, Ems x

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