Chapter 9 - Whiskey eyes

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*Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know*

Without a word Michael grabs my hand and leads me back to our room, his room. The bed is messy, sheets on the floor, pillows kicked around. I know what's going to come, and even though my head is screaming at me to not do it, I break down, craving his touch.
The tall read haired boy shows some of his pent up energy as he pushes me down onto the mattress, green eyes dark from lust and emotion. We don't speak, not a single word coming from our lips.
Our bodies crash against each other, lips hungrily finding the other ones, hands grabby and our hearts needy. Soon pinning my wrists down above my head, Michael buries his face in the crook of my neck, working on the sweet spot just behind my ear with his teeth and lips, grazing the skin harshly and his hands working on taking my shirt and bra off. His name falls off my lips mixed with a deep moan, I turn into a whimpering mess almost immediately. He chuckles, grabbing a tie from his suitcase and returning to me, tying my hands up above my head, wrapping the material around my wrists and the bed frame a couple of time before he ties a tight knot.
Within seconds he pulls down my pants as well, the cold air hitting my skin making me shiver.
With zero patience Michaels head dives down between my spread legs and I scream up as his cold fingers pump into me, his tongue following soon after. Working me until I'm breathless, he suddenly pulls away, a winning grin on his swollen lips. I cry out for him as he reaches over to his nightstand, pulling out a little plastic bag filled with white powder. Anger rises inside of me and I want to scream at him, punch him, but instead I'm a trembling mess, torn between my ache to taste the bittersweet sensation of cocaine again and my brain telling me not to do it.
I give in, and Michaels full lips curl up into a grin as he notices. "Please daddy, please." With a smirk he leans over and helps me sit up a little, then grabs a little mirror and spreads out a small white line on the reflecting surface, helping me to induce the dangerous substance. "There you go, babygirl."
My head falls back against the bed frame as the pulsating sensation runs through my body, taking a deep breath.
For a while we look at each other, I watch him take a dose as well, his head rolling back and a smile spreading on his lips. It only takes a few seconds, then he pulls me down again, his body pinning mine down.
Without a warning he pushes his full length into me, covering my mouth with his to hide the scream emerging from my throat. "God you made me so mad when you said it's over." His voice is a growl, eyes screwed shut, his hips slamming against mine as he picks up speed. "I just wanted to grab you and fuck you until you're screaming, make you remember why it's better to not leave me. Am I the only one who can make you feel this way baby?" As I don't answer, forcing myself not to scream out his name and let everyone know what we're doing, he harshly wraps his large hand around my neck, holding me steady. "Answer me you fucking whore!" I open my eyes and look up at him, pain, pleasure and an ecstatic feeling coursing through my veins. "Yes, yes you are the only one daddy." I whisper the words, barely any sound finding its way out of my mouth as Michaels grasp on my throat grows tighter. "You're so fucking tight and wet for daddy, aren't you? My good little slut." Instead of answering I lean my head back as far as I can, my tied up hands restraining me. I want to touch him, run my fingers over his sweaty, milky white skin, graze his back with my nails and mark him as mine, but I can't, and it's driving me insane.
In one swift movement Michael gets up and turns me around so I face the bed, my arms twisting around and adding another level of pain. "Fuck daddy, please let me touch you." He just chuckles, clawing his fingers into my hips as he vigorously thrusts into me again. "No baby. Not today."
The pleasure knot becomes unreal to bare, but I know that I'm not allowed to cum before Michael tells me to. "Please let me cum daddy, please." My shoulders and wrists hurt from being tied up, and my whole body is shaking.
Tears stain the white pillow as I press my face down, my whole body overflowing with emotions that are too much to handle. "Mi- Michael." In his pleasure he doesn't notice my break down, his teeth working on his bottom lip, his eyes closed. The first sob rolls over my lips and shakes my body, and he finally notices, pulling out, untying me and pulling me to his chest, his breathing heavy. "Emilia, baby, hey hey hey talk to me, baby talk to me." I shake my head, not able to answer. I'm sick of crying, my eyes hurt so much and I just collapse into his chest. "Too- too much. I'm- good. All good." I can see the worry in his eyes as he wraps the blanket around both of us, wiping my endless stream of tears away. "Talk to me, please. Talk."
It takes me a couple of minutes to calm down, but as I finally manage to, I speak up. "We'll talk. But about everything. About what happened." Michael nods. "Okay, promise. You sta-" I shoot him an unbelieving look, he couldn't be serious about forcing me to talk first, and lucky for him he quickly understood, and cleared his throat. "About what happened. I- I'm sorry Emilia. I should've talked to you sooner, should've admitted to what happened. I was afraid you'd leave me when I told you what I did." I slowly shake my head, sitting up a little. "I wouldn't have left you, this whole situation wouldn't have happened. Michael, I love you, and I probably always will." I lean my head back and shake it again, this time forcefully. "But I need time. I can't go back to how it used to be. This shouldn't have happened."

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