Chapter 8 - Twists and turns

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Six hours have passed. As Luke and Ashton begged me, I moved into Luke's guest room rather than a hotel, even though I didn't even want to be remotely close to Michael.
6 pm rolling around, I just bury myself deeper into the large bed, turning the heavy metal music only louder, holding on to my headphones for dear life. Calum had checked on me a few times, even Nessa, Mary and Celina tried to get me out of the room and to order pizza with them, but I couldn't. My phone ringing for what felt like the millionth time tonight, I angrily answered. "Can't I have some time for myself Jesus FUCKING CHRIST." "Uh - hi?" "Vanny! Oh my god I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, I swear I'm sorry." I calmed down at the sound of her smooth voice. Vanessa had always been a good friend of mine, but she still lived and worked in and around L.A. so I didn't see her very often. "Hey are you okay Ems?" A few seconds passed, then I felt the tears coming up again. "No, no I'm not. Can I see you? I mean I know it's late but-" "We'll pick you and the girls up in 20, put on something comfy and we're gonna have a movie night, okay baby?" "Okay."

10 minutes later, I was ready and waited in our drive way, sitting on the ground and staring up at the sky. I heard the door open behind me and expected it to be one of the girls, but as he spoke up, I was kind of relieved that it was my brother. "What are you doing out here? And what has gotten the girls all worked up? They're running around talking about a girls night." As he sits down next to me he wraps his arm around me, and I thankfully lean against my twin. We'd always shared a close bond.
"Vanny's gonna come pick us up for a movie night at her place." "You gonna be home tonight or tomorrow?" "Tonight, I don't want to miss Ashton's birthday. We'll be back around 10 I'd say." He nods and looks up to the stars just like I'd done a minute ago, and I gaze at his profile for a second. Luke was one of a kind, and I loved him to pieces. Still, there was a little thing that bothered me. The fact, that he was with Michael and tried to first ecstasy pill with him.
"Why'd you do it?" I mumble. He immediately knows what I'm talking about. "I would say I don't know but that would be a lie. I wanted to do it. There had to be a reason for you to get hooked to it, it had to be good, and I wanted to know. I thought I'm stronger than you, we are stronger than you, we wouldn't get hooked." I nodded, trying my best to keep calm. "Well you didn't, but Michael did." Luke nods, running a hand through his blonde hair and pushing some of it back. "I'm sorry Ems, so fucking sorry. I didn't want any of this to happen." "Yeah, I know Luke."
The door behind us opens again and as I get up, someone grabs me from behind. "What the-" I immediately know who it is. Arms that I knew better than my own body, the same scent he'd worn for years. "Michael let go of me." My hands start shaking as I pull on his arms that are locked around my shoulders. "No. I'm sorry kitten, but we're gonna talk. Now." "Clifford if you don't let go of me soon, I swear I will fucking kill you." Luke steps forward but Michael just looks at him, making damn sure that my brother knew I'd never let a fight start between them and go with Michael.
A car pulls up, Vanny, Kim and Josie stepping out. With a scream the front door is opened, Celina, Nessa and Mary running past us. Time seems to freeze for a second until the six of them finally lay an eye on us, disbelief and worry written in my friends eyes. "Baby?" Nessa speaks out and steps closer, but I shake my head. "It's okay. Go." I look up at Michael until he nods, then I walk over to my friends so I can hug them, Josie, Kim, Vanny and me all wrapping our arms around each other. "God I've missed you girls." Vanny looks up, wiping a stray tear off my cheek. "Tell us what's happening right now Ems." I press a kiss to her cheek, then step back. "We'll talk tomorrow, okay?" The three of them nod, and I turn around to head back to Michael and a very concerned looking Luke.

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