Chapter 21 - With You

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Staying behind as my four best friends board the plane that would take them to Europe; I waved and smiled as to make the departure as easy as possible for them while I was holding back tears.
It was the first week of November, Christmas in a little more than one month. It were two months until I would have them back in Los Angeles.

Turning around and just dropping his luggage on the floor, Michael came strutting back to me so he could embrace me again. "Please take care of yourself baby. Promise me that you will try. To eat properly, to do things you enjoy. To call your mom when you feel like it, to call me when you miss me. To be happy. I know you will get lost, and you will fall down when you are alone, but if you believe in yourself, then it will be okay. In exactly 63 days I'll be back, and I'll pick you up and take you home and it will all seem so much easier again." Lost for words after his emotional outbreak in front of so many eyes, I finally managed a small nod before tears started flowing uncontrollably. "I need to catch my flight princess. I love you so much, okay?" Leaning down he wiped away my tears and placed a soft, gentle kiss on my lips. "And I love you." Forcing the words out, I tried to cherish these last seconds with him for now. His hand moving up to my neck, he forcefully pulled my body against his frame and pressed his lips down onto mine for just a few breathless seconds, then turning around without further words.
Unlike Luke, Calum and Ashton, Michael did not turn around again. He picked up his bag, running away from the goodbye. And so did I.
I dug my nails into my palms as I turned my back on them and ran for the exit.

Once I had left the airport building, I broke down. My knees got weak and with my back leaned against the wall, I just slid down to the floor. It felt unreal to know that he was gone now. We had spent our last night together wide-awake, trying to take it all in before we were torn apart. His moss green eyes focused on mine I was lost for words, wanting to say so much but not knowing how. He was all I had ever wanted, and yet being with him always led to one of us being unhappy. Thoughts circling in my mind, I forced myself to get up and began walking, putting one foot in front of the other without knowing where I was heading.
It felt like it helped me calm down, but the storm inside of me was not vanishing. My emotions kept dwelling up, causing me to clench my fists repeatedly. Never before had I felt this helpless.
Realising that my phone was ringing took me a good moment, and despite not wanting to pick up, I did. "Emilia for fucks sake, where are you?!" Upon hearing his voice I was shocked, checking the caller ID to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Michael. "What?" "I swear if you don't tell me where you are, I'm calling the police." Shouts were heard from his side and he excused to someone, his attention still on me. "Emilia? Emilia! Tell me where you are right now." "Calm down. I'm okay. Where are you? Shouldn't you be on the plane?" He scoffed. "Yes I should. I'm not, though, thanks to you." I stopped walking as if I'd ran against a wall. "Excuse me?" "Alex waited to pick you up. You didn't show up. Do you honestly think I'd just leave for Europe if you're missing?" "Michael shut up. You can't do shit like that because of me. I needed some time and space so I went for a walk. Get your ass on the next plane. Now." "No. Turn your location on, I'm coming to pick you up right now." "I'm not yours to boss around, Clifford. I'm your girlfriend, not your dog, assistant or whatever." "Yeah whatever. I'm coming to pick you up."

Not thinking he'd really follow his words I just keep walking along the side of the road until I heard a car speeding up behind me. I didn't have to turn around to know that it was him. He stopped next to me, jumping out the car while he left the engine on. "Emilia, get in." Michael reached out for my arm, his touch hot and tight, he pulled me to the car and pushed me in before he slammed the door and climbed in himself.
Gazing up, I finally really looked at him. His eyes were swollen, as if he'd been crying a lot. "Mike, I'm sorry." "So am I."

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