Chapter 5 - Sandwiches and relationships

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"You got everything packed?" I stood up and looked at my sister, ankle deep in clothes, bathing suits and shoes. "I'm guessing you don't." She sighed and blew a strand of hair out of her face. "I just don't know what to wear." "Mary, we're just going to a waterpark, it's not a runway show. Wear your black two piece." "But I'm already wearing so much black, I want something else." "Okay, then wear the silver one. I think Calum would like it." Mary turned bright red, and bit her lower lip before she answered. "If you say so." "I know it, he's my best friend." I smiled at her to cheer her up, and grabbed my backpack. "I'm already downstairs, change and pack a towel. We'll wait for you."

Skipping down the stairs, I nearly ran over Niall turning around the corner. "Oh sorry." He chuckled. "Eh, it's okay. You're packed?" I nodded and we walked down together. "All packed up, sun screen, towels, everything we might need." "Sandwiches?" I shook my head a little and grinned. "Thinking about food, just like you always do." "Well, Nessa is on my mind anyways, but food comes in second place." "If only she would've heard that." "She knows I love her."

Once we reached the bottom of the stairs, we both headed towards the kitchen where we found Michael sitting on the counter top, Luke, Ashton, Calum and the girls sitting at the table. Walking over to Michael, I positioned myself between his legs and wrapped my arms around his neck, only to have him push them off. "What's wrong?" I whispered so the others wouldn't hear, and leaned forward so he had to look at me. "Nothing." He mumbled with an apologetic look on his face and pulled me in to kiss my cheek. As I looked up, I saw that Calum's gaze was settled on us, and he raised an eyebrow, as if to ask what was wrong. I shrugged a little, detached from Michael's arms and went to stand behind my best friend, leaning against the wall.
"Everyone's packed? Besides Mary obviously." Calum spoke up and looked at me, smiling a little. "Yeah, but Niall and I thought it would be smart to make some sandwiches. The way I know you guys, you're going to be hungry even before we get there." My brother rolled his eyes but laughed, nodding. "Good call." "I'll whip some up." Nessa exclaimed and Niall stepped forward. "I'll help."

While they were preparing some snacks in the kitchen, Calum and I stepped out onto the patio again. "What was that with Michael earlier?" I shrugged, looking into the distance. "I don't know to be honest. He's been weird when we texted a few weeks back, not even answering my texts sometimes, and then other times nearly spamming me. I thought it would just be the distance and shit, that it would be fine once we're here." "But it's not?" The dark haired boy wrapped an arm around my waist, his thumb stroking my skin. "I mean, I thought so. It was like it used to be, but the way he literally pushed me off, that was new and unexpected." "Ah man." He sighed and pulled me into a tight hug. "Don't worry your pretty little head." "It's not like I've got a choice Cal." "I know." I felt him nodding, slowly rubbing circles on my back.
"Am I interrupting something?" Luke asked as he stepped outside, towels hung around his neck. "No, all is good." I quickly said, stepping away from Calum and walking back into the living room.

"Who's driving in which car?" Ashton asked, looking around. We were standing in a circle in their living room. "Who's driving anyways?" Celina asked, carrying a large inflatable flamingo. "Calum, Mikey and me." "I'll go with Michal." Cel grinned and stepped next to her big brother, earning a chuckle from him. "Mary?" "Calum." She blushed a little, and I saw him show the same reaction. "Nessa and Niall?" "Michael." Nessa grinned and grabbed Niall's hand, pulling him over to Mike. "Ems?" Everyone looked at me, which had me looking at Luke. "Luke?" "Ashton." I nodded, grabbed my bag from the floor and walked over to my brother and Ash. "I'm calling shotgun though."

"What's up with you and Mike?" Luke asked as we drove onto the freeway. "Nothing. Everything's good." "I talked to Calum, so don't you dare lie to me Emilia." Ashton looked at me for a split second, raising an eyebrow. "Did I miss something?" Luke and I both spoke up at the same time, him saying yes and me saying no. "Well?" Ash exclaimed, demanding an answer. "It's my relationship Luke. And it's all good." My twin brother shook his head a little, looking out of the window. "Ems, are you sure?" I looked over at Ashton, seeing the boy I grew up with, that I trusted like a brother, and for a second I was close to admitting that I had no idea why he acted the way he did, that it scared and hurt me, but I just nodded, showing a fake smile. "I'm sure." He kept glaring at me, until I mumbled "It's green" which had him shift his attention back to the street.
"Ems." I heard Luke mumble in the back seat, and as I turned around, I saw my brother in a way I hadn't seen him in years. Worry was written in his blue eyes, deep and all-consuming worry. With a sigh I got up and climbed to the back of the car, resting next to him. "Talk to me." he insisted, reaching out to grab my hand. "Mikey, he- he's so distant sometimes. Before we came to visit it had been going on for weeks, I mean, I'm talking to him and all of sudden he is so absent, not even replying sometimes, or not picking up the phone when I call. And earlier, when I was going to hug him, he just pushed my arms off." I looked up at Luke, tears slowly filling my eyes. I saw that Luke knew something, or that he at least had a theory. "Talk to me." I whispered, using the exact same words he had used before. "Emilia, I don't know if I'm right with my suggestion, and frankly I have to tell you I know that Michael doesn't want me to tell you." "Luke, please." Biting his lip and then nibbling on his piercing, I knew that he was waging between me being his sister and Michael being his friend, and after seconds I knew that I'd lost the battle. "I'm sorry sunshine." "You're an ass."


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, hiya! I've been gone a few days cause it was my birthday on Friday, so I wrote a bit more this time :) Hope you enjoy !!

- Ems x

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