Chapter 15 - Changes

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I wake up as the sun shines through the blinds, hitting my face. Groaning a little, I turn on my around, seeing Michael sprawled out next to me. His face is peaceful, lips slightly parted, red hair a mess. A smile spreads on my lips and I look at him for a little more, then I carefully climb out the bed to not wake him up, but it's unsuccessful. He sighs heavily, opening his eyes slowly. "Hey sleeping beauty." Michael's voice is still heavy from his deep sleep. I lay back down and cuddle into him, nuzzling my head into his neck. "Morning baby." "You recovered from your emotional outbreak last night?" "Last night?" "You got a little needy, and basically forced me to take you upstairs." I turn bright red which has him laughing, then kissing me softly. "Don't worry kitten, I loved it. I left my markings on you, though." Resting on his elbow, he turns me on my back, then starts tracing lines on my neck, along my jawline and down to my breasts. I gaze over to the floor-length mirror which faces my side of the bed, and even from this distance I can see the dark purple bruises he had talked about. Laying my hand on top of his, we trace the love bites together, and I bite my tongue as his soft fingers touch the wounded skin. "Does it hurt?" "A little, but it's fine."

Breakfast is awkward, because everyone can tell with a single look at Michael and me what we spent the night doing. Mary shakes her head, still mad about my drug abuse the past night. "Pancakes?" I look up from my plate at Nessa. "What?" My best friend grins. "Do you want pancakes?" "Oh, yeah I'd love some." She places some in front of me and winks at me. "We've got things to talk about, right babe?" I hide my face in my coffee mug. "Um, yeah totally."
There's a busy chatter at the table, Michael and Ashton talk about a concert they really enjoyed, Luke, Vani and some of the girls babble about a movie. Liam looks at me from across the table, raising his eyebrows and nodding to the barely covered bruises from both Michaels lips and hands. I don't react at all, just stare back at him. I didn't know what I should tell him.
"Ems?" I turn to Luke standing next to me. "Yeah, what's up?" "Mike, Niall and I will get the girls home, and pick up some groceries on the way back, okay? And Ashton is gonna stay with Josie I think." I nod and smile at him. "Sure thing."

I stare at the clock on the wall. Only a few minutes had passed since I'd last checked it. "I'm sure they'll be back soon." My sister rubs my knee, trying to make me feel better. "Yeah." It had been six hours since they'd left, a laughing group, squeezing into Luke's car. "Maybe their phones died, you know the boys." I check mine again. No messages from Michael, Luke, Niall or one of the girls. "Yeah, sure." I look up as I see Nessa walking down the stairs, rubbing the sleep out of them. "Where is everyone?" "Calum is at the gym, the boys are still gone." "Still? It's been like-" "6 hours." I stand up and shake Mary's hand off, wrapping my arms around my body. "I'm gonna check the way the store, see if something stopped them." "I don't think that's necessary Emilia, really-" "Call me if they get back." Then I grab my carkeys, leaving the house.
Riding my new Mustang for the first time, I should be happy, but I can't feel a thing. Mechanically I follow the rode to Josie's place, leaving the engine running as I climb out the car and head to the door. It only takes a few seconds till someone opens up, it's Josie, Ashton standing behind her. "Ems?" "Hi, uh, are the others here?" "No, why? Did they not arrive back home yet?" I shake my head. "No, they didn't arrive yet, and none of them answer their phones." "They only dropped us off here, then left again." "Okay, thanks you two." "Hey, I'm sure they just got caught up by something." Ash smiles at me, trying to cheer me up. I just nod, turning back to my car. "Keep me updated, okay?" Josie asks, her voice raised. "Will do."

*Troye Sivan - The Fault In Our Stars*

This was the sixth time I'd walked up and down every aisle in the grocery store, not finding any trace of my boyfriend, brother, and best friend. The cashier couldn't help me either. She did remember them as I mentioned Luke's lip ring and Michael's crazy hair, but she could only tell me that they'd left hours ago, not spending more than twenty minutes in the store. I thanked her, and intense feeling of helplessness spreading throughout my body.

I got back in my car, following the roads mechanically. My phone rang as I opened the front door, thinking it was Michael, Luke or Niall, I answered it immediatly. "Hello?" "Hi, is this Emilia Hemmings?" It was the voice of a young girl, barely older than me. "Yes, who is this?" "My name is Melanie Garzía, I'm with the Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles. You're listed as Luke Hemming's sister, is that correct?" I swallowed hard, my legs failing me. I didn't even see Mary and Nessa rush down the stairs, then I hit the ground.

"We have a group of three young man, Niall Horan, Michael Clifford and Luke Hemmings. They've been in an intense car crash."


You guys never leave me feedback :( Please please let me know your opinion etc.
- Ems x

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