Chapter 6 - Sunshine

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Small update: I will add songs that would fit the chapter if I find some, and put them in between *stars*, just like this. That might be multiple songs in a chapter or maybe only one, depending on if I find fitting ones. Maybe I'll create a Spotify playlist to go with the fanfic, I don't yet know but please let me know what you think about that idea :)!


For the rest of the drive I'd ignored Luke and his tries to get me to talk to him, and stared out the window, sang along to the radio or talked to Ashton. He was clever, had always been. He didn't ask again because he knew I wouldn't talk about him, and then some time after that when we were on our own he'd sit me down, have me tell him what happened and figure it out. That was a big part why I loved Ashton so much, that he always knew when to ask a second time and when it wasn't.
Slamming the car door shut I was greeted  with Michael pulling me to his chest, and after hesitating for a second, I gave in and leaned against his chest. His arm resting on the small of my back and he whispered into my ear. "I'm sorry. Can we talk?" I looked up at him and nodded. "Later. Let's just get in for now." The tall red haired boy nodded and walked around Ashton's car to grab my backpack while I grabbed some of the inflatable animals.

"No wait, put the bag with snacks in here. We don't want the sun to hit it with full blast." I watched Niall and Nessa lay down the towels and set up some umbrellas, while I waited for Michael to return with the sunscreen that he'd left in the car. The others were already in the water in full summer mood, splashing each other and screaming in joy.
"Here you go." "Thanks. Take your shirt off and stand in front of me." "Baby." Michael whined but pulled his black shirt over his head to reveal his milky white skin that contrasted lovely with slight tan. Squirting a big glob of sunscreen into my hand I began lathering it on my boyfriends back, shoulders and neck, as well as his arms. I knew that he was lazy with applying sunscreen so I wanted to get the most now.
As I was done he instructed me to take my shirt off as well, and with a smirk turned me around so he could help me. "Mikey, you're supposed to help me apply sunscreen not make me horny." I mumbled and pushed him off once again as he stepped forward to press against my backside. I heard him groan and shook my head. "Won't get you out of a discussion either. Are you done?" Instead of an answer I felt his large hands gently lather the sun screen oh my hips, his fingers digging into my sensitive skin. I couldn't help but moan and as I heard him giggle, I stepped forward and his hands fell off. "We're talking. Now."

*Walking on Cars - Speeding cars*

"So." Leaning against the leather seat in Michaels car I looked over at him. "Care to explain what's going on with you? And don't tell me 'nothing' Michael, I'm not blind." He opened his mouth and closed it again, no words coming out. He did it again and again, until he finally found his voice. "A- a few months back I was out partying with the boys. We had a good time, and as usual it went on until the early morning hours, 7 or 8 am. Cal and Ash went to the hotel but Luke and I didn't want to leave yet." I didn't know what he was going to tell me and my heart began to race, images of him with other women flooding my minds, but I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Go on." "Luke, he- he said that knew what we could do. We went to this club and-" He stopped and I looked up from my hands to see fear in his eyes. "Michael what was in that club." My boyfriend closed his eyes, and just kept on talking. "They sold drugs everywhere in that club and we thought that trying wouldn't hurt. We got some ecstasy pills and -" I closed my eyes and pulled my knees up, interrupting him to whisper two simple words: "How often?" "It- it was only once at first but it got me hooked and-" In all my shock and pain and fear I leaned forward and just slapped him, my hand hitting his face the only sound in the car for some seconds before Michael spoke out again, softly saying my name and reaching out for me, but I backed off. I needed fresh air, my head felt like it was going to explode. Quickly getting out the car, I bit my lower lip until I tasted blood, just to hold the tears back. Now it all made sense. His shakiness, his ecstatic behaviour sometimes compared with his teeth clenching. Of course, all the signs were there, I just didn't want to see it.
"Baby!" Michael ran after me and soon reached me, grabbing my arm. "Don't you ever think Clifford?!" My voice is loud and high pitched, the shock getting the best of me. "I'm sorry kitten, I didn't know what I was getting myself into." I clenched my teeth and wriggled out of his grasp, wrapping my arms around my upper body. I was feeling so cold all of sudden, shivers running over my back. "Of course you didn't. You didn't think twice. I'm not doing this again Michael, I'm through with that shit. And Luke? He should've known so much better. Especially after what I did." "Hey, what? You can't just say things like that. What did you do? Baby! Answer me!" Shaking my head I turn around, mumbling "Talk to Lucas", then I walked away, back to the others to grab my things and leave.

Celina immediately came up to me as she sees me, wiping away my tears and shooting her older brother a confused look. "Ems, what's wrong, what happend?" I gently push her away and press a kiss to her forehead, shaking my head. "Nothing happened. I'm going home." I see Nessa running out of the water, everyone walking towards me, and my hands grow clammy, tears still running down my cheeks. Turning to Calum as the only person I could stand being with me now, I look up at him and he immediately nods, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the cars to drive home.

OOOH so it's out why Mikey is acting weird, and I have a shit ton of ideas on my mind on how this is going to continue. I hope you liked it :)
- Ems x

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