Chapter 20 - Silence

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*Calum Scott - Dancing On My Own (TiëstoRemix)*

Being at home, having them all around it went back to how it used to be. Well, aside from factors like that I was still living with the few clothes I'd brought in July to stay a few weeks, or that Michael had to rest a lot of the time. For a million times I had thought about staying here, actually moving here. Unfortunately, Celina did not have that much freedom of choice. She had flown back to Sydney a week ago to return to school since she'd already missed a few weeks and Karen was getting mad. Mary and I had stayed, her finding a job in a local boutique that carried "all the clothes she'd ever wanted" as she described it. I was happy for her; I just wished I would find something I enjoyed as much.

"Babe you ready to go?" Clearing my throat, I nodded and turned around to look at Michael. A black fitted suit clung to his body, he looked stunning. "Wow." His lips showed a cheeky smile as he noticed how blown away I was, but it didn't last long until he blushed, his gaze wandering over my skin-tight burgundy dress that hugged my curves. "You can't go out like this; everyone's going to look at you." "And at you, Clifford. We'll stun them all." "I don't want to stun them all, I'd rather just stay in with you and get you out of this dress." Stepping in and wrapping my arms around his neck, I grazed it with my nails, giving him shivers. "Just a few hours out with Alex and the others. It is their party; we'd be assholes not to show up. Once we are at home, I'll get this dress off. For your eyes only." I whispered against his lips and grinned as I saw him taking a sharp breath. "Then let's leave, the sooner we're there, the earlier we're back home."

"And then Lisa send me the article about you punching this bitch, I couldn't fucking believe it." Alex grins while I just nod and take another sip of my drink, turning around to look for Michael. The place was packed and it had been nearly an hour since Michael had left me with Alex and Jack to talk to some business relevant people at the bar, meaning he would probably get drunk.
Turning back to our friends, I nudge Jack against the shoulder. "Hey have you seen Mike since he wandered off?" "Nah, sorry. I'll help you look." "It's fine, don't worry. I'll call you when I need help." Before he can protest, I dive into the crowd of people, looking for Michael's bright red hair.

"Hey gorgeous." Hands on my hips spin me around as I face a tall man that I hadn't seen in a long time. "Sorry, misunderstanding. I'm not who you're looking for." "You're exactly who I'm looking for Emilia. Been a long time since you've last sucked my dick and I've seen you." Piercing blue eyes meet mine and a cocky grin lays on his lips. "You changed since our days." "There was never a time when I was with you." "Oh yes you were. I could make you scream, and you loved it. You were my whore." "Eric let go of me." "Really I just want to talk to you, okay?" I step back, shaking my head. "No-" "Hands off my girlfriend." Glancing over my shoulder, I see Michael stepping in. Eric shows no reaction, his grip tightening on my body. "I said hands off her mate." Noticing how tense he was, I stare at Eric. "Please let go. Just leave." He chuckles and runs a hand through his ginger hair, a chance Michael uses to step in between us. His first blow hurls his opponent off his feet but it did not stop there. Throwing himself at his competitor, he finds aims for his fists all over his body.
"Michael! You need to stop, please." Partygoers gather around us with Jack and Alex next to me in seconds. "Alex, Jack-" Without further spoken words they interfere, pulling Michael away from the man on the floor. Being the stubborn ass he is, Mike tries to push them off his body and struggles with Jack holding his arms in lock behind his back, but with all his anger, Michael is a serious opponent. Freeing himself, he spins around to turn back to Eric. What he doesn't know, is that I'm sitting next to the very same on the floor, trying to get him to wake up since Michael had properly knocked him out. Moreover, what I did not know, was how hard Michael's punches were.

"I'm sorry Emilia." Having sobered up in a matter of seconds after I had accidentally caught a punch that was not meant for me, Michael sat in front of me on our doorstep. "It's okay." "I've made you bleed and possibly broke your nose Emilia, it's not okay." With a tissue pressed to my nose to stop the bleeding, I stand up. "Stop fucking calling me Emilia all the time. What happened to babe, Ems or kitten? You haven't called me kitten in ages." He sighs, burying his face in his hands. "I know. I mean, I don't know why I don't call you kitten anymore. I've got no clue. All I know is that I'm sorry for punching you." Grabbing his tie and pulling him up rather harshly, I throw the tissue away and move in until his body is pressed against mine. "You listen to me Michael Clifford. I know you did not mean to hurt me, and I know it is not your fault. That asshole should not have been there anyways. However, this hasn't changed anything between us. I know that you're trying to be careful, not to hurt me and to be the best person you can be. But I don't want that media version of you. I want you to be grumpy when you have to get up early, giddy and excited when a new game you like comes out, dangerous for everyone that flirts with me. I want you, with every flaw you have. Don't you get it?" Despite my bloody nose I move in and softly kiss his plump lips. "I love you, you idiot."

*Blackbear - Idfc*

He gazed at my face for a moment, then without a warning crashes into me, simultaneously lifting me up and slamming me against the cold wall. Michaels lips on my neck take away my breath, his hands wandering underneath my dress make me want to scream for the whole world to hear. Slowly sliding me down the wall until I stand on my own feet again, I don't hesitate long. In that very moment I thanked Luke for a door that could be opened by code or sensor, and without being seen we'd managed to make our way to our bedroom within seconds.

My breath was heavy as Michael laid me down on the bed. Opting to loosen his tie I shook my head at him and again used it to pull him in, turning us around so I could straddle him.
No words were spoken as I loosened his tie and pulled it off, followed by the opening of the buttons on his shirt. Before I could throw it to the floor Michael used it to wipe away most of the blood, then laying back down, waiting for my next action. Today, I didn't want to tease him. I didn't want to be teased either. I just wanted to feel him, I needed to feel him.
"Touch me." My words were just a whisper, but his hands immediately found their way to my hips were my dress had already been pushed up when I sat down. Once it was off I felt him reach up to release my hair from the clips it was held by, waves of gold falling down on my shoulders.

After taking off the rest of our clothes I went back to straddling him. Our hands intertwined and my eyes locked with his I sat down on his rock hard member, our heavy moans filling the air. Rocking my hips back and forth I took it slower than usually, not looking away from Michael's face once. His hands were steady on my hips, his grip tightening with every movement of my body.
It took Michael longer to build up his tension but I knew it would be more intense than ever, every inch of him shaking and sweat covering his milky white skin. He came with a scream, his nails digging into my delicate skin, his hips bucking up to push as deep as he could, holding on as I was riding out my high, head fallen back and mouth gaping open.

I knew I'd loved him the minute I first saw him, but every single day I fell for him harder.

Longest chapter yet! Maybe best one as well?
- Ems

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