Chapter 2 - Arrival

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The sun was just rising above the city as we landed, red and gold streaks painting the clouds. "Mary." I patted my sisters arm, gently waking her up. Slowly opening her eyes, she looked over my shoulder out of the window,  her eyes widening at the sight of the morning sky.

Despite our 15 hour flight, I was wide awake and ecstatic, the others being tired and jet lagged. It didn't take too long until we got our luggage, and as I peaked out through the glass walls, I spotted Luke's familiar blonde hair. I also spotted Michael though, his bright red hair a mess and his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jacket. "Celina! Michael is here as well?!" My voice was a squeak and I hid behind a pillar so the two boys wouldn't see me. "He is? Why?" She jumped up and down, excited to see her brother again. "I don't know." "Luke said, he told him that they're picking up some crew members." Mary mumbled, fiddling with her phone. "Did you just text him?" "Yeah, told him we're here. Michael just went to grab some coffee, so this is our chance to get out of here." Letting out a deep breath, I nodded. I wasn't ready at all.
Okay, no need to freak out. You haven't seen your boyfriend in a long time and actually the tension and the craving for his touch is killing you, but don't freak out. Do you remember his touch, though? How it feels when he ever so slightly traces your skin?  Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts, I grabbed my suitcase, and headed towards the security control.

Luke pulled me in and held me for a moment, before he also wrapped his arm around our sister and grinned. "My favourite two knobheads." Punching his arm playfully, I chuckled.  "Missed you, wanker. And mumma told me to tell you she misses you." He pouted a little and opened his mouth to reply something, as I heard a gasp somewhere behind me.

"Ems?" Turning around to see Michael standing there, my lips pulled up into a smile. "Mikey!" Letting go of Luke I ran to Michael and threw my arms around him, my boyfriend immediatly pulling me to his chest. "Oh my god." He sounded out of breath and didn't say more, hands wandering over my body and gently cupping my face as if he had to assure himself that I was really in his arms. We both needed a few seconds to just gaze at each other, admiring every single thing about each other. I got caught up in his mossy green eyes that lit up when he looked at me, the way his mouth slowly curled up when he was about to crack a smile. The stubble that covered his chin, and his plump lips that I'd been missing for so long. "Oh baby." His words were whispered only for me to hear them, as he leaned forward to finally reconnect our lips after months apart. The same taste as always lingered on his lips, a soft hint of tobacco and mint, and they melted against mine as they had done when I first kissed him.

"You're not alone, you know." Celina scoffed and raised an eyebrow, excitement and understanding written in her eyes. Michael chuckled and slowly sat me back down on the ground, one arm still wrapped around me. "Sweetie." He reached our for his little sister and pulled her to his chest, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "How did you get mom to let you leave, anyways?" Cel grinned, mischief plastered on her face. "She lost a bet against me." Michael chuckled and high fived her. "That's my little sister." He looked up and faced Nessa, and I saw a smile spread on his lips. I was once again reminded that Nessa and Michael did have something before I got together with him, and even though I knew that it had just been a drunk hook up, it felt weird to see them together.
"Hey." He said with his thick australian accent, waving a little bit. "Hey." She grinned and walked over, giving him a quick hug which turned out harder than it had to be, since Michael didn't want to let go of me.
Finally, he spotted Mary, and a smirk appeared on his face upon seeing his best friend. "Yo!" He called out and I saw her head spin around, the same smirk on her lips. The two of them had been best friends for as long we'd known them, which basically was kindergarten. "M&M reunited at last." My sister shouted and fistbumped Michael, which made me shake my head. "Idiots."

"I guess we'd better get you to the hotel, I think Celina and Nessa are about to fall asleep." Luke chuckled, and Michael nodded. "Yeah, we better." I turned around to catch a glimpse of my best friend cuddled into Luke's shoulder, eyes closed and humming softly, while Celina tried her best to keep her eyes open, despite obviously struggling, and I giggled. "It has been a long flight after all."

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